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Everything posted by jackywongto

  1. really think all these new nicks are actually alternates.
  2. Time to scribble all those new yr resolutions again. Wishing everyone a fantastic start to a great year ahead.
  3. My Randall's goby committed suicide today. I know that jawfish, firefish, wrasse will jump but randall goby?
  4. Sherman Its the same species as the one you bought in JM. how's yours doing? Its yours if you want it.
  5. np. maybe I should get a frag from you in future instead will pass this one to one of the new pico owners then.
  6. lol still no intention of getting a sump for my next 2 ft tank. dislike sumps (*although its advantages cannot be disputed.)
  7. haha Luke already thinking of what livestock to keep. What else ya gonna get?
  8. Yah I had the same reaction when I saw him at SL. Cannot relate his level headed posts to his baby face.... lol Also impressed with Vlamingi for reefing at such a young tender age. The new gen X damn power one these days....... Ok I am getting my girl to start a tank next year. New yr resolution. (hehe, then I can have 2 tanks in the house)
  9. What happened to your other fishes? died during your trip?
  10. Yeah. But max will be 2 feet cause I want to reuse most of my eqpt and dun wanna go into huge tanks. Dang why did I not think of that lol...... Like invest more into the tank so there will be more wealth and luck to the family......
  11. well, its white sand then. black sand are black in colour
  12. you used the white sand Macro? I used Nature Ocean black Argonite sand.
  13. hmmm not sure if this is good news or bad news...... Got a geomancy master to check out my house yesterday. The tank is now in the wrong position. Need to shift the tank to another location. Bad news is that I need to relocate it. - tedious and troublesome. Good news is that I have to do it before end of 2011. ==> that means I have opportunity to plan for a new tank hehe.
  14. Got a second hand one from Luke. It's only 3 months old though... so still considered quite new. Silly aquarium shop ran out of 16/22 eheim tubing. Gotta check if my storeroom has some leftover and try to set it up tonight. gonna use phosphate remover, carbon and biohomes for my tank
  15. Ketchup, if you are using Live sand, the water is going to turn very very very cloudy/ mulky. I was using the black live sand and it took hours (like 4 - 6 hrs) to settle. The visibility was so bad that I cannot do anything for the whole night. (I used black sand, not sure about the white ones). Also when you place your rock, it is better to place them on the base instead of sandbed. If your rocks foundation are on the sandbed, next time when you siphon the sandbed for maintenance or keep any fishes that mess with your sandbed (like my jawfish), the rockscape might crumble. Just some points for you to ponder.
  16. Off Topic: Has anyone ever tested the phosphate and nitrates in Iwarna's NSW? I tested CF's and it has high nitrate and phosphate level.
  17. Standard pricing is like 80 SGD per 400 litres delivered to your place. Better if you give Victor a call on his mobile.
  18. ... you have not collected from him arh..... better dun drag too long. go gear 7 if you can
  19. DT's live pods - they are also alive and swimming too. DT's live phytoplankton is very popular too.
  20. Friend, not for variety lah. The pods in the tank will be depleted easily if you have fishes in them that eats them regardless how mature your tank is. The only way to keep a healthy population of pods supply is by keeping a refugium so that the pods can have a safe place to reproduce. think about 2-3 weeks. Not very sure. Janet forgot to come back to me on this. unless you open the bottle up every now and then to air it and feed it with phytoplankton and keep it in fridge.
  21. I think he got your point already lah, Lemon. He's only 13. Don't be so harsh on him. Vlamingi, next time try not to get so many fishes at one go. Not good for the fishes and your tank. So ... back to my question. what are the 9 fishes? Lol
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