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Everything posted by jackywongto

  1. I think you should change rock. These rocks are not suitable for your tank size.
  2. Actually i think it is slightly bigger than Prizm but performance wise, one is a lion and the other a mouse.
  3. yup think i will be keeping that one might be letting go of this one... and this one and this one....
  4. hehe... actually I sold/ shared more than half of it away . But still, now a much poorer man because of that place. worst still, I look at my tank now and cannot find any noteworthy corals!!!
  5. yeah. you at home now? I am heading to C328 at about 5+
  6. Anyone in the west with spare Chaetos? just need a small bunch (approx fist size) Also looking for live copepods. Anyone aware of its availability in any LFS? SMS me at 91853586 pls. Thanks Jacky
  7. spend $40 to ship it back here? - dunno width - dunno how much weight can it take or how strong is the magnet. Might as well get the egg crate. create a "bench" shape and place it on your sandbed. <$10 and can use the remaining $30+ to buy your additives lol...... Are there black egg crates around? where to get them?
  8. Don't fix something that is not broken bro.
  9. lol you will not be interested in my "poor man's" collection
  10. cool That is extremely good news...... Thanks Oni. You make my way
  11. btw, you used it mainly to reduce nitrate or to harvest pods?
  12. The "author" could have copied and pasted from some other website dude.
  13. Thanks Oni. will take note. Let me monitor after and see after I got the Chaeto. Guess getting the right flow into this container is one of the key to the success.
  14. Peter Dun think that will work. The water circulation will be bad in these containers. Why don't u get a frag rack? Or temp get some suction pad & an egg crate to station them?
  15. Hey Lorenzo, your chaeto offer still stands?
  16. you dun wanna see if my works 1st? For all you know, pods cultivation might not happen with this sort of setup....
  17. lol no lah guys. Just a silly thought. Will at most get a 24 x15 inch x 18 inch tank so that I can reuse my existing eqpt. gallons should not exceed 25.
  18. lol nice try..... chance upon it and thought this might be suitable. a bit too many holes though. Anyway will try and see how it goes. Now the chiller return is channelled into this chaeto holder. The holder is placed slightly above water level. The chiller return is pointed towards the back where there is no holes. This rebound will "force" water movement within the holder & output via the holes in front. I think the flow should be just nice. hopefully this works.
  19. from the DIY shop in shopping centres (Lot 1, BP, Yew Tee Point.) Home DIY or something. They have 2 size. I got the smaller one. around 1 green note. The larger one is about 13 SGD I think.
  20. no prize for guessing what this is for
  21. Sadly I am not convinced myself...... unless they get rid of the Americans, get rid of the fringe players : leiva, Ngog, babbel, and bring in some real talent. SAdly I don't think this is going to happen anytime soon Man U usually step up a gear later. They should break away from the rest together with Chelsea. do not see how Arsenal & Man City can last the pace. Arsenal squad is too thin. Man city is just bouyed by the arrival of a new mgr. the recent team they squash are all not quality opponents.
  22. Just measured the corner I have..... 38 inch length, 15 inch width. hmmmmmmmm................... tempting.......
  23. lol I am not so hardcore lah...... NO WAY YOU WILL WIN THE 19TH TIME BEFORE US !!!!!!!!!!!!! ... *beep beep beep.... beep... (expletives)
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