Reaper - paiseh paiseh OT your thread until like that. Upzz for your sale.
** SPANK Peter
Ooi... we can carry on our cyber spat on my tank thread.... lol
Thanks Eugene.
Yeah nowadays I find myself staring blankly at my tank too often.
Rics shopping?? More like raiding rics.... I organize raids for World of Warcraft but this rics raiding business is even more stressful.
Very confused at the end of it too.....
Like the rics but heartache at the thought of $$ spent
Magnet cleaner risky because if there are sand/ dried salt particles trap in between, you will be literally scratching the whole tank.
You shld be familiar with Kent Marine.
They have "The mop" meant for scraping acrylic tanks.
Try to go BBS. (barebottom sandbed = no sand)
save you the trouble and easier to maintain.
Henkabe Plastic works
1 Defu Lane 10 #02-551,
Singapore 539182
haha... nice you are starting a tank too....
Just a reminder... Acrylic not easy to maintain hor.
get scratch easily and in 2 years time I will need to change to a new tank already.
Thanks all
looks like die die need to get Furan 2 liao.
I just threw away 2 frags of badly infected ones.
.... just when I think I can afford to relax a bit ... this thing pop up....
Another big challenge!
Yes I know.
But instead of getting their regular blue LEDs (China made), ask them to replace those blue LEDs with CREE Royal Blues.
The price might go up a little but I think it is worth it.
It will still be MaxSpect 160W G2 but the LEDs will be CREE Royal Blues.
But you need to ask the taxi driver to wait for you at CF while you browse.
Else you will need to call for a cab to pick you up and Neo Tiew area isn't a favourite pickup spot for taxi drivers.