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Everything posted by jackywongto

  1. i think we all know the outcome... Is he still sporting the bycream look ?
  2. Red Scooter Blenny From a distance (* Notice the abundance of space on the sandbed? I managed to removed the supporting rockwork from the overhanging rockscape. close up
  3. Did so much work with my tank today. WC, cleaned skimmer cup, loosen bag of carbon and GFO, cleaned tank, brushed algae on rocks dosed additives, commissioned my PH monitor. managed to do some WB setting on my camera and retook some pics. Blastos : This one is under shade and further back in the tank... hence the darker tone
  4. Thanks bro. So what did you get ... pics pls.....
  5. Just mocking the "white" because of presidential election. My 2 footer will have a white cabinet as well Sent from my iPad2 using Tapatalk
  6. Interesting... Just read that Ecotech (makers of Vortech) is bringing LED fixture to the market 34 LEDs should be good for at least 2 ft tank? features seems close to AI, Mazarra units. CREE LEDs wooohoooooooo communicate with pumps.. !! thunderstorm mode ?? Ecotech should be announcing this soon..... Wonder if Iwarna will be bringing this in ... Features 120v fixture 34 LEDs Full Spectrum Fully Adjustable Communicates with Pumps Sunrise Sunset Clouds Cree and Osram LEDs
  7. thanks .. and of course liked ! good luck guys !
  8. I wish my friend.. i wish.... anyway it was a black friday..... at work.... started off on the worst possible foot. at home, girl feel sick.... Luckily did not go down to AM. Wanted to get the Tigger pods... but their stock has not arrived yet lol... lets hope tml will be better....
  9. Haiya... they should have a train station at CF.LCK and connect up to Iwarna.....
  10. seems like there are green hairy algae around... they don't bother the SPS?
  11. ooi? this kind of post also kenna -1... lol
  12. you think like your DIY LED arh.... happy happy can change colour..... lol Paiseh Luke, OT your thread......
  13. talking about that, when is the closing date arh?
  14. keke.. k later i go and like all my reefing buddies photos....
  15. Wah... this thread has very strong SPS poison...... ... lol Dr Tan, Emeritus mentor... lol My HEART getting very itchy ........ lol... SPS anyone?
  16. Wah Biang...... presidential election upzzz... lol if your cabinet not "white" in colour, i die die buy ! wahahaha !
  17. Wah biang.. just kena arrowed by boss. Cannot make it at noon to AM liao. Can head over only at 6pm.....
  18. Ca Tested result is pretty low. : only 350ppm Mg is at 1200. Gotta dose for the next few nights No3 = 5mg/l PS: Does anyone knows if the Hanna Calcium Colorimeter is available in Singapore already?
  19. Arh the one you are asking me is the flameback pgymy angel - blue and yellow. Yes it is reef safe too. flame angel is another popular choice that a lot of reefers go for. They are not 100% reef safe though. But if you get a small species, the tendency for them to nip corals is lower. especially if the corals are already in the tank when they are introduced. other pygmy angels are pretty safe too. you can google for them. Jameshong are looking into setting a pygmy angel tank. look out for his postings:) For nano tanks, I would also suggest you go for gobies. a much better choice given the real estate limitations. Some wrasses are very nice too. Splendid leopard wrasse, radiant wrasse, tamarin....
  20. Which photo? Are you talking about the Royal Gramma? half purple, half yellow. Yes it is reef safe. Don't mistake the bicolour dottyback as royal gramma if you intend to get one. dottybacks are more aggressive.
  21. Water Parameter Testing Day: dKH = 9.856 PO4 = 0.128 This has dropped from 0.5 to 0.128 in approx 3 weeks. Gonna add some Goodbye PO4 and see if it helps to speed up the process. I am having an algae boom now. Prob overfed the RedSea Supplement. Those liquid are very potent stuff ................ Gonna work on my calcium and Magnesium level now
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