Just a concluding verdict on the CoralRx.
If you are a serious reefing enthusiast, you MUST have this.
whether you have an established tank already with a collection or a nooby who just started collecting frags. CoralRX can save you a lot of disappointment and heartache. that alone is priceless
a small bottle (1 Oz) cost $45. It can be used 22 times on 1/4 of a normal big pail water. (approx 4 litres).
If you are dipping only 1 coral most of the time, then you can use it almost like 60 times, dipping the coral in 1 litre of water each time.
my nudi infestation could have orginated from LFS frags, could be from frags from reefers... who knows....
It is better to be save than sorry.
So don;t wait, get a bottle today