Having own 2 previous planted tanks years ago 2FT tank and 3FT tank but decomm due to overseas posting to china.
With all the advises from the bros here. I've decided to try out a marine tank this round.
Tank Specs
1. AquaClear 20 filter(370L/H) with Seachem purigen
2. Brandless China Protein Skimmer with 0.2watt battery air pump
3. Jebao WP-10 Wave Maker
4. Zetlight ZA1201 LED (21 white, 4 red, 4 green, 7 blue)
5. Fluval E50 heater
6. 5kg livesand and liverocks
7. RODI system (TDS 500ppm down to 10ppm)
pH: ???
Alkalinity: 12dKH
Calcium - ???mg/L
Nitrate – below 0.125 mg/l
Phosphate – ???mg/l
Salinity - 1.025 at 25°C
Tank been cycling for 2 weeks now. Not sight of diatom algae yet.
As a Noob in reef tank, i would likely keep only fishes for now. maybe add only those hardy mushrooms