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Everything posted by emperorangel

  1. just got this ozonizer for my fish only tank! This is a miracle machine to all marine hobbyist out there. It's safe efficient and maintenance free. No more worries about fish diseases My tank is like the ocean now. Since I have alot of fish it's worth the buy. comes with an ORP probe and the air-dryer is sold separately. I've been looking all over for this in Singapore and finally found the distributor.
  2. actually got mine much cheaper then yours DB and a good size to it. Sohal's are easy to keep and I heard it's rare in the States for some reason. Lucky we!
  3. sorry , I didn't call myself but when he sms me , he put alot of exclamation marks which means really cheap! The prizm protien skimmer is going for real cheap as well. The GEO liquid goes like this "buy on and get one free" , I wish LS around Singapore could be that way! yes , it will definitely be enough for your 2.5ft tank!
  4. AT is right , Morish Idols should be left in the wild as they're not even for the experienced aquarist to master. We may know alot about reef keeping and sorts but fish behaviour especially the elusive Morish and it's eating habits are hard to decipher. I don't see much of them even in the public aquariums. The Hawaiians worship these fishes and treat them as scared in their rituals , so maybe thats why they're not meant to be caught but set free instead!
  5. Woah! Nice tank DB! Actually the Sohal shouldn't have a problem feeding though but you need to train them on a certain food at a time. Brine shrimp is always very hard to resist! You can soak the nori and tear it into tiny bits but don't throw in alot just a single piece at a time to see if they nip on it. They may take it in and then throw it out but don't be dishearten. My Sohal just loves it now and he can't stop rushing for the pellets that I throw in too. The Sohal is one of the fastest fish that I know who could adapt to all kinds of food given. When fishes are weaned on a certain diet it takes some patience to except other varieties. Try and do the same with the Kole , eventually they will need to feed on the other goodies you throw in. My fishes were so use to brine shrimp and vegetables that they refuse to take anything esle but now they're simple begging for variety!
  6. RA 240 is 18 kg by weight and runs on electric power of 300w. RA 680 is 21kg and runs on 420w respectively. The dimensions are the same 445x335x375 with a 220v - 50Hz. RA240 is recommended for 55 , 80 and 130 Gallons and RA680 is for 130 , 200 and 300 Gallons. I hope this helps you a bit.
  7. heard that the "Resun Chiller" at SS in Downtown East going for real cheap! Had an sms from them. So those on a low budget should take a look. Tel: 65844288 look for George.
  8. DB , Thanks alot! I've attached a pic of my Mimic Tang (Acanthurus Pyroferus) doing real well. Looks like I have to get an 8 footer! DA , thanks for the price of the King which is really pricy for a juvenile but worth it , I agree!
  9. certainly will do DB , after discussing this , I'm going to do just that! I already have a 4 footer I think I'm getting greedy at this. I gotta get a 6 at least with a good depth! I can't wait. I'll post the pic once I get this done. Thanks DB for the inspiration! I agree it'll certainly be a sight to behold.
  10. sorry to hear that though! They are both beautiful fishes and it must have been a real heartache. Yes , I am thinking of upgrading to a larger tank because I am totally into Angels and Tangs/Surgeons. They're just amazing fishes Thanks for the advice I didn't know that the queen had a reputation of being aggressive. They seem so elegant and dignified appreciate the knowledge!
  11. yes a fowlr tank and no way I will put a queen in a reef Wow , DB it seems like the Queen is like from WWF with what it did to the lionfish I think it didn't get a title for nothing.
  12. Gold rimmed is (Acanthurus Nigricans) and White Face is (Acanthurus Joponicus) also known as powder browns which is confusing to new aquarist. The differences is that Japonicus has some red colouration and has a wider patch of white on it's face (hence the name "White Face") where else Nigricans has a "white streak" under it's eye. (hence the name "white cheek") I managed to see a cross between Achilles tang and Acanthurus Joponicus but it's seldom and rarely caught. It was truly stunning and I wish I had my camera at the time!
  13. you're right thats a goldrimmed but they're not costly at all actually. I had mine for a low cost at a good size and they feed well with no problems. Theres another variety which is seldom available and I think it's more beautiful then the goldrimmed. I've attached the difference
  14. wow! you have a king , DA? How much did you get it for? I would like to add a king and queen myself but they're kind of pricy
  15. Hey , thats a good idea what you did with the mirror thing! I think I need to try that when I try and introduce my J.Bluering. I know it's kind a risky introducing these angels one by one but I'm glad the three that I have don't seem to be doing any real damage to one another.
  16. Lee , the cleaner shrimp won't help your fishes condition but water changes need to be done. You can dip your frozen food in garlic guard before feeding your fish. although it may not have much absorbent strength to it. but remember they need more then just frozen food to their diet though.
  17. I had them about coming to a year now and theres another Majestic angel together with my emperor and blue face together. They just chase around one another but no real damage is done. My blue face is the bully in the tank but it seems to have accepted it's other 2 cousins. I intend on introducing a juvenile blue ring angel but it has to be slightly bigger then my blue face a bit.
  18. sorry about the posting. it seems theres something wrong with my server. A thousand apologies to everyone.
  19. Sugi , Achilles Tang is very prone to "white spots" so the first thing you have to be careful about are your water parameters. It's a beautiful but expensive fish so they need the best care possible. Tangs and surgeons need alot water circulation in their tank and kept well fed. All tangs and surgeons need a stable vegetable supplement in their diet with leafy greens and nori will help together with a combination of live brine shrimp and pellets once it starts feeding properly.
  20. This is my new Sohaltang too , which I got recently at a very good price. Started feeding right away the moment I brought it home! They are alot easier to keep then the Stripped Clown Tang which is alot more common
  21. This my new Sohaltang too! It started feeding the moment I brought it home. It's alot easier to keep then the Clown Stripped Tang , which is pretty common around.
  22. The Aquarama will be at Expo Hall 1 on the 30th of October to the 2nd of November. The first 2 days are for traders respectively and it's open to the public on Saturday and Sunday. Hope you have enough information on this. I am certainly looking forward to it.
  23. Just bought this beautiful Sohal Tang for a very good price! It started eating the moment I brought it back. It's alot easier to keep then the clown stripped tang.
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