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  1. thats true , dispar but you also need to know the exact amount if you want to administer ozone in. Reefs can take lower dosages like 0.5 to 10mg/hr. My fish only tank can take about 100mg/hr and they're are well so far.
  2. spider , i think this is between me and blu surf and we know we did not want to say those things.
  3. wow ! another supporter! that makes two already!
  4. wow , i didn't know blu surf had so much supporters! well , i'm not annoyed though but dissapointed but sides shouln't be taken here AT , you can be sure i'm at peace because we're in this hobby to share.
  5. U.V. sterilizers work best at 30C. (80degrees and above) in reef tanks it's job is to clear floating algae but thats about it. Ozone does a better job overall where water quality and disease control are needed.
  6. I thought I should answer to those remarks blu surf made but then again I thought I would be bringing myself to his level of childishness! If he thinks he's right and happy with his stapler , then so be it! Flubberina had some nice things to say on this subject and a big thank you goes out to people like that. If theres a smart alec out there then theres certainly a sarcastic one right now.
  7. whoa! I see someones really touchy these days! I guess the kids must be getting on his nerves somehow. Do you see any resemblence towards the plastic bag fastener and the yady pincers?! I think not! Let me know if you really can get(I mean really get the original ones and not household products that I already know and have) the yady pincers for a few bucks a dozen because I don't want plastic bag fasteners. I can't believe you think the plastic bag fasteners look like the yady pincers! They resemble more of staplers if you ask me. The plastic bag fasteners work on a "click" to hold onto and the yady doesn't and theres more then one way of feeding then just gripping. Next time ask how it works before saying I could get it at Ikea stores. You need to get out more blu surf!
  8. looks like the person Garry McCarthy took the shots The name is written at the corner.
  9. Hey for the vote of confidence flubberina , we could come up with really something for all our reefers out there and not make the ones we buy look like something from Ikea anyway this works for me and I might come up with an DIY solution to peg a giant piece of Nori to a clipboard and call it my own invention!
  10. plastic bag sealers don't look like that if you know what one looks like in the first place! and by the way , Ikea is for household items and not a fish mart! besides If they were selling these in supermarkets I would have gotten them a long time ago as it would have made life easier let me know if you can get these at a couple of bucks a dozen....ha ha ha ha........because I haven't seen them on sale.
  11. mine is about $20.00 but I think it's more stable and worth the price! It's a two way feeding apparatus and the little loop you see near the pincers , is for you to dangle it with a nylon thread from the center of the tank. I really like it , as the grip is pretty firm. I'd like to know if any of you have seen this in the stores? it comes with some square pieces of vitamin packed leaves. Really yummy , I felt like eating one!
  12. will add the new feeding pincers soon! Hang on for the picture!
  13. I've always wanted to find a stable nori or vegetable holder and now I've finally found it! I saw this picture from someone's tank and it reminded me of a stapler turned nori holder. compare the difference.
  14. yes , I remember I bought one for $200 or so and another for $70 and little did I know it wasn't emitting the correct amount of ozone because there is no way you can test the water for that! My livestock survived because of my water changes. But I agree it's a very good investment one should have!
  15. yes , the tubing comes in either black or green and you can get it almost anywhere. Does your air passes through the silica beads and via the ozone unit?
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