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  1. Copy that bro... Thanks...
  2. Dleecool thanks for the info. BTW do u happen to know where is the location of Jireh or u have the contact no. so that I can call and check with them... I am new Thanks thanks...
  3. Thanks Earth for your advise, Dear Dleecool new or 2nd also can. Thanks both of u for replying. Cheers.
  4. Dear Reefers, I would like to seek you guys advise on where can I buy the above mentioned tangs. Anyone selling any of the tang. Kindly lets me know I am very interested to keep the mentioned tangs. I can be contacted @96911069. Thanks a million.
  5. Thks guys for your kind advise... I heard of angles nibble on zoas & mush but mine are total gone dun know where it gone to.... May b gana makan by my angles.. will nd sometime to monitor liao... once again thks for all your advise..
  6. Thks .... I am very sad now coz everyday seeing my zoas and mush become less and less.... is normal for tangs to plucking on zoas and mush.... What can we do to prevent it.....
  7. Hello, Happy New year everyone….. I urgently need to seek u guys advise on the prob I am getting now in my tank. It has been sometime I discover that my mushies become less and less, sometime the mush just drop off from the rock…………..? therefore would like to seek advise on whether Bi angle will eat Zoas and Mush. Cos my zoas abt 20+ poly gone in one night and some of my 50 cents size mushies gone too.. Dun know y..???? Kindly advise… Is there any other possibility that other fish or crab eat it cos I got one big crab and a few some one in my tank ( My fishes are Blue, Yellow and Koli Tangs each. I also have one frame angle and Bi Anlge) Thaks a million
  8. Hi, I am interested in yr BT... If stil aval kindly SMS me @96911069. I can collect any time to yr convenient. Thanks and regards.
  9. vr much for the advise, really app for all the advise, As for the noise if come from the air tube. I had connected a long air tube to reduce the noise and it help to reduce the noise. Wld like to seek advise on how can I know that the skimmer is working properly…..? I wil wait for 2 to 3days as advised to see the outcome. Now there is foam come out to the collection cup and it is green tea color…!!!
  10. Hi! i m newbird in the hobby. Jus set up my tank and i hv bgt a protein skimmer macro aqua ks100p. Seeking advice on the set up of the skimmer. I hv tried setting up the skimmer according to the instruction manual, but it is very noisy. If I cover the air inlet tube with my finger, the noises will go off, but the skimmer seems like not skimming as there is no foam in the collection cup. Anyone out there can advice me??
  11. hi, im interested in yr yellow eye tang...still aval.... sms me pls @96911069.Thks.
  12. Hi! i m newbird in the hobby. Jus set up my tank and i hv bgt a protein skimmer macro aqua ks100p. Seeking advice on the set up of the skimmer. I hv tried setting up the skimmer according to the instruction manual, but it is very noisy. If I cover the air inlet tube with my finger, the noises will go off, but the skimmer seems like not skimming as there is no foam in the collection cup. Anyone out there can advice me??
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