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Everything posted by SGreef

  1. Selling to responsible reefer @ Great Discount!! Call 96926116 soon before they r gone!
  2. Selling 5x2.5x2.5 ft tank, 1 hp chiller, Arcadia MH 150Wx2 actinic 9W. Live Rocks @ $1 per kg. Corals N Fishes at 50% or more. Call 96926116 to come view Sunday 25/4 3pm - 6pm. Please do not SMS.
  3. Selling corals & fishes from $5 to $20. lISTs sold-->:Swiss Guard$50,Royal Gramma $12.50,SunBurst Anthias $10, SunCoral $10, Red Cynarina $20, Lime Green Candy $15, Bali Zoos $5. Too Crazy to miss sale! CLEARANCE !!! Call 96926116 to come view Saturday 24/4 6pm - 8:30pm.
  4. Pls CALL 96926116 if interested to come Fri from 4pm - 7:30pm. Add in Ang Mo Kio. SMS will NOT BE replied. **period**
  5. FOR SERIOUS HOBBYIST ONLY!!!Selling everything from rare fish n corals to tanks and equipment. 5x2.5x2.5 ft solid chenghai wood stand, Arcadia MH 150Wx2 9W Actinic, Tunzer skimmer, AquaMedic Ca Reactor+CO2 tank, 1 HP chiller, Iwaki pump. First come first served. Open from Fri 23/4 to Sun 25/4. Call 96926116.
  6. Selling complete system for a 5.0x2.5x2.5ft tank 0.5 inch glass on ChengHai wood with MH lightings, 1HP Chiller, Calcium Reactor, etc. Rare n Beautiful coral & fishes. Arrange own transport. All in Good Condition. Price Neg. contact 96926116(hp)
  7. One 2nd hand TECO 680 unit for sale. About 2/3 HP. Used about 3 yrs. Chiller was kept outside cabinet, good condition. Owner upgraded chiller. PM me if interested.
  8. Okie guys...free frags finished leow. Those whom PM me until now 23:49 31 May will be contacted tomorrow. Will count the numbers of frags to be distributed first....you guys are overwhelming!! Just be available on Sat 3 June between 3 - 4 pm to come collect.
  9. Anyone interested in Millepora coral? Self collect on Saturday 3 June afternoon. PM me if you are interested. Limited frag.
  10. Chiller looking at $500 ono. :-)
  11. Upgraded my chiller, old unit to sell. Interested please PM me on your offer.
  12. Frags Reservations Filled. Those haven't replied kindly do so before 9pm Friday tonite to ensure your share. :-)
  13. Frags of fire coral (indo pacific) to give away or trade (if u prefer) to RESPONSIBLE owners only. Location @ AMK .... Self collect; preferrably on Sunday afternoon...(what else?)
  14. It looks like a cross between a Pinstriped basslet (Liopropoma mitratum) and a Yellowmargin basslet (Liopropoma aurora).
  15. Hmm...where did the pix went to?? Thought I attached oledi?? strange.
  16. Hi, Wonder if anyone can help to ID this Basslet? Million Thanks! -
  17. This source is from another importer, not located at East.
  18. Heard that AVA is going to ban import of seahorses soon. I personally feel that this will do good for the seahorses as most pp doesn't know how to keep them. However, seahorses with scientific permit would probably be still allowed....i.e. prices of seahorses is going up...hmm everything seemed to go up except pay.
  19. Looking for this red morph. Pls PM me.
  20. I do heard of same comments from my diver friends but this one....have not felt any. Maybe I have "thick" skin.
  21. Would like to exchange frag with another frag species of fire corals.
  22. The coral is now about 5cmx4cm. It grew from 3 buds to current of 13 buds.
  23. Sorry, didn't expect a 200KB pix to turn out like this.
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