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  1. AquaC urchin with Maxijet 1200 - $150 4ft tank of rocks about 40kg - $20 Some odds and ends like timers, etc. Some free some cheap. Pls contact me at 97915875 as I don't come online much, if at all.
  2. MH sold. Seio820 sold. The rest still available AquaC Urchin PS at $140 - Comes with Maxijet MP1200. Check http://www.proteinskimmer.com/products/Urchin.htm c) Large overflow box at $45 - Suitable for 4FT tanks, comes with free return pump d) Approximately 40-50KGs of liverocks at $70 - Free yellow tang and pair false clowns - Maxijet 1200 @ 15 (on hold)
  3. MH sold. The rest still available AquaC Urchin PS at $140 - Comes with Maxijet MP1200. Check http://www.proteinskimmer.com/products/Urchin.htm c) Large overflow box at $45 - Suitable for 4FT tanks, comes with free return pump d) Approximately 40-50KGs of liverocks at $70 - Free yellow tang and pair false clowns - Seio 820 at @ 20 - Maxijet 1200 @ 15
  4. a) 4FT (2x150mh) Azoo MH for sale at $125 - 2 x 10k, extra 2 x 6.5k bulbs. AquaC Urchin PS at $140 - Comes with Maxijet MP1200 c) Large overflow box at $45 - Suitable for 4FT tanks d) Approximately 40-50KGs of liverocks at $70 - Free yellow tang and pair false clowns Early birds get free items like return pump, timers and small pumps. Contact me at 97915875
  5. 1) AquaC Urchin - comes with maxijet 1200 2) Azoo 4FT 10000k (2 x 150W + pl blue) with extra 6500k bulbs 3) i-aqua large ibox first gen (some shell-y thingy cannot wash off) Please PM me with any price you are willing to offer. I will let go to best offer. I may not reply to all PMs.
  6. 1. Yellow tang- $25, ~2 inch - Reserved by JasonM 2. Paired false clown and chromis - $5 - Reserved by Darryl85 3. Doctor fish - $5, eats nori and fish food - Reserved 4. Blue linkia star - $10 5. Fire shrimp - $15
  7. 3. Doctor fish - $5, eats nori and fish food
  8. 2. Paired false clown and chromis - $5
  9. Please PM me if you think the price is fair for you, and CONFIRM want to buy. Else, please wait for price to drop All healthy and eating well. Thanks 1. Yellow tang- $25, ~2 inch
  10. A pic of the rocks, with paired clowns Rocks all cured, in tank for about 3 years.
  11. Yes free live rocks, at least 40 kg. But should be more than that. But you must buy my normal sized 4ft tank. Alternatively, you can buy the liverocks and you get the tank free. Good deal I believe. Rocks are mixture of flat and big pieces, and the usual lumpy kind. Oh yes, you can have the sand as well $120 only PM me if you think the price is right for you and can CONFIRM you want to buy.
  12. Everything has been collected. Next will be equipment sales, after I scrubbed them clean
  13. UPDATE 1. $5 - shootsimon 2. $20 - shootsimon 3. $20 4. No charge. For first buyer. (But someone expressed interest already, believe its colinsoon or shootsimon. If I promised to give it to you, please reply my PM and I will keep it for you, else will go to first buyer.) - xiaoboi2000 COLLECTED 5. $20 - xiaoboi2000 Collected 6. $50 - nemo1974 7 + 10. $15. Item 10 comes with a large flat rock thats estimate 20cm. - nemo1974 8. $10. Note that receding at the back. Will recover fast with good light and care. - shootsimon 9. $5. Dead skeleton around can be trimmed off. - xiaoboi2000 Collected 11. $50 - Shawncel Collected
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