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Everything posted by ervine

  1. OH NO!! Such a nice dog!! Hope you find it soon!!
  2. yeah was feeding even in my tank but they just faded away due to all the bullying i suppose
  3. mine took me 1 week, at most 2.... Did you order anything special? Like special glass, or special sealant, etc?
  4. any idea where have stock for the resun one?
  5. did yours work? I tried the same thing, it didn't budge my temperature by a degree at all...
  6. oh learn while I am there u mean?
  7. i tried princess anthias before but they faded out after a few weeks I think coz they couldn't compete with some of the other fishes
  8. wah interested but I haven't gotten my basic yet.. hehe.. hoping to go for course in april 7th..
  9. mine cleans up only coraline.. but that's fine for me, got lots to spare...
  10. looks gross.. like the car infested with warts or something
  11. no... well compared to my old CL450 it's a whisper.. but I'm used to it so I really don't hear it... It's right next to me (arms reach) when I'm working on my computer really... not in cabinet...
  12. I have a resun 450, I had one from the old batch which sounded like an aeroplane in my room, the new one creates a hum which I hardly notice anymore.. Heat however is an issue, even at night with all my windows opened my living room still feels distictily cooler than my room. Best way is if you can duct the hot air out of your room... but that's not always possible...
  13. I also thinking about DIY-ing... haha
  14. Great stuff bro.. I never had much luck with my DIY skimmers for some reason...
  15. just make sure you don't skimp and save on the extension cords, I had one extension cord I was using in my studio that was causing occasional power trips, quite dangerous is you ask me...
  16. i learnt my lesson the hard way... My old sump from my old tank was too small for my 2.5ft, always wanted to change it but procastinated for goodness knows how long... As Murphy's law would have it, when I was overseas something tripped causing my tank to overflow. The phone bill to call home to rectify it was $60, a new sump is like $80-90. Really stupid of me... Anyway my new sump was designed with a buffer to prevent it from overflowing during a blackout. Best way is to overestimate what you need, or even better still calculate! then draw up a schematic, go to a tank maker and make the sump.
  17. I got an electrician to wire in 16 yes.. 16 plugs... 8 of which are for my computer... the other 8 for the fish tank, and these 8 run seperately from the rest of the house, i.e. has it's own ELCB. better be safe than sorry they always say... can see it here http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...#092;.5ft&st=15
  18. you can consider linking it up with elbows such that the tubes run behind the tank, other than that I really don't know of any other better method... Seldom see people use pipes but I suppose it should work just as well, only problem is you need more connectors which might add to the clutter...
  19. Sweet!!! If only my resident clown wasn't around... upz for u bro
  20. so it really took 1 day to get the anenome back in shape?
  21. alamak.. i think half the weight of ur LR went into that crab!! hehe
  22. oh then in that case very easy to DIY no?
  23. sorry but u selling ur kalk reactor by any chance?
  24. wait a minute... so nothing actually stirs the kalk mixture except the water being pumped into the kalk mixer?
  25. Ah no fishes.. then just leave them... no harm I suppose...
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