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Everything posted by ervine

  1. Exactly.... In addition i used stockings cable tied to the opening to prevent any back siphonage of media particles...
  2. Hi guys, I noticed that 2 colonies of my buttons started to wilter... doesn't look too good leh but I can't seem to figure out what's wrong.... Water params: Sa ~1.022 Ca 440ppm kH 6dkh NO3 2.5ppm pH 8.0 All other corals look pretty normal to me, even the SPS look normal... just the buttons look like they are in pretty bad shape... Thanks! Ervine
  3. Used in a canister system? I don't understand... yes can put in your sump but that just takes up space lah...
  4. Interested in the sump but can I see a photo of it? Wanna see if it has baffles to prevent micro bubbles.... PM me ur details can? Eg. where to collect etc if I get it... thanks...
  5. Huh.. my normal ballast doesn't flicker when lighting the bulb either leh... just slowly builds up in intensity...
  6. I use a soil substrate topped off with normal gravel... along with not too intense light, no ferts, no co2, few water changes... Did much research back then with regards to this and it has been working wonderfully for me for years... but this method will NOT allow you to grow "zen tanks" it'll allow you to grow tanks that look like the amazon forest... so riccia, hair grass, and bubbling plants are a no no...
  7. Hi guys, After using lock & lock tupperware for my skimmer, I decided to have a go at making a small fluidised bed reactor out of it... Here's what I got... total costs around $10-$15.... This is a pic of the first water test, as expected it leaked at the connections, so siliconed them up and they are now water tight... I then used nylon stockings to cover the input and output holes to prevent any phosphate removing media from escaping the container... (not shown in pic) Ran a successful test with 250ml of Seachem phosguard without much movement in the phosguard granules even when I was running a 900l/h pump... prob can even sqeeze in another 500ml... But my sump isn't ready to test it (still lacking essential ball valves to prevent flooding)... also a little worried that it might spring a leak or something (murphy's law)... so as of now it's still sitting under my tank.. Just thought u guys out there with tight budgets like myself might want to have a go at it... Hope this helps, Ervine
  8. It's the snail's "YOU KNOW WHAT"... don't worry about it... prob will feed your cocoworms too.. haha...
  9. Yup my planted tank is bigger than my reef tank... 100gals I think... I started by reading a forum too, Aquarealms.com I think... but stopped going there liao... tank's been with me for 4-5 years already and still going strong... As for LFSes... stopped shopping for FW stuff liao... but back then I used to go to Clementi 328 for equipment/fish sometimes to the Pasir Ris (before they moved) for bulk purchases of plants, Serangoon North area for misc stuff in small quantities...
  10. Noisy comes into mind.... u'll get that ######/drainage noise.... quite irritating
  11. Thanks for the tip bro... but what size is that by the way?
  12. hm... i think the spring type will cause severe head loss... go for ball types but each cost 30+ bucks!
  13. Oh... so since mine is mixed reef means I must get both 5-50 and 50-100 right? Okie okie.... Does the 5-50 feed clams, sea fans, monti caps perhaps??
  14. Both actually... clam passed away due to lack of TLC on my part... sigh... I used 2x36W, one 10k, one 50/50.... but it's bigger than the tank... so looks quite weird...
  15. Eh... pretty badly rusted ah.. hehe.. nevermind I think I'll pass.. thanks for the offer though..
  16. Hi guys, I need an external pump that pushes about >2000l/h of water, doesn't need very strong head but I need it to be external and pref low energy consumption... Was thinking of the Sicce Extrema but not sure if it can be used externally... how? Thanks, Ervine
  17. How much longer ah.. the bulbs themselves have to be placed diagonally... (they are >1ft) when placed diagonally they fit nicely on the tank.. But that's bulbs alone, + the ballast then it sticks out.. my old tank looked quite silly with that oversized light fixture on it... but that's prob as much light as I could get in.... Don bother with the LEDs... the white ones are the least efficient of all the super bright LEDs, not to mention you need a heck of a lot of them to work + the DIYing and wiring up each one... no point... I thought it it before too and it worked out to be not cost/time efficient...
  18. My fuge has been with me for quite some time liao.. but so far only one hitchhiking species of macro algae has thrived in it... sea lettuce, usual big leafed calpura all slowly died off... leaving only this unkown macro algae... But heck it still grows and I have to prune it once a week to clear space for it to grow.. so I'm not complaning... As long as it's growing means it's doing what it's supposed to do...
  19. I used 2x36W PL lights... worked great but a bit too big to fit over my 1ft cube... But that cost me around 90 bucks.. If you thinking of 70W MH then I suggest better not, it'll get too hot... T5s are too long... So u are prob left with PL lights loh...
  20. Hm... caught urself then come here sell???
  21. Cool.. here's a pic of my old 1ft cube upgraded since...
  22. Yup and better call first before going down just in case no stock.. it's a long walk in (if you are walking) and it's going to be heavy
  23. Overkill how? My 2.5ft uses a chengal wood stand (DIYed)
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