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Everything posted by ervine

  1. Here come the pics! Okay here's how I did the venturi for the pump.. similar to http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...hl=maxijet&st=0 this which is for a maxijet.. It's pointing down to make sure that the air goes in, last time it was pointing up and some bubbles escaped... (paiseh sump covered in coraline, cannot see the pump)
  2. Hi Kaykay, Hm... The main problem I see that you have is that your tank does not rest directly on the "columns" and somehow your wood work diagram looks funny how you resolved the "columns" to "beams"... I don't believe you need two beams, you just need thicker beams perhaps... and 1.5" I think is too small, my DIY chengal wood stand (not cabinet) uses 2"x2" beams and 2"x3" columns... Can see it here http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...9574&hl=chengal Since your loading is not directly on the columns, I suggest you deepen your beams, then use a lap joint (I hope I got this term right) instead of just screws... ideally it would be such that it sits perfectly lah, or at sits on half the side beams... BTW, you can order your wood cut to size, quite accurate. For me I didn't even do any sawing less the lap joints.... If you want you can come look at my DIY stand when you collect the pump..
  3. Huh bo liao loh... BTW it's a pump bro...
  4. ervine

    Overflow pipe

    huh? still confused man.. so the water going thru the calcium container is "powered" by the siphon? or it simply runs on it's own siphon? Also don't get what calcium medium u can use in there? kalk??
  5. I set 27? kicks in at 29... drops down to approx 28 most of the time
  6. Wow.. that was fast.. pump reserved for kaykay... Thread closed
  7. Eheim 1260 for sale 2400l/hr Hmax 3.7m 65W Warranty till Oct 2005, original price $150, now selling at $100 too coz I never got to use it in the end just sat there collecting dust... Does NOT come with the box, only the pump, attachments, warrenty card and original reciept... 3 days money back if faulty... Collect at Serangoon Central area... PM me or reply here... Thanks! Ervine
  8. Will try to show a pic of mine tomorrow when i get my camera back.. By the way, I didn't mod the pump impeller into a needle wheel, I just used the original one.. If you want can check out my old threads on modding the impeller of a maxijet here http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...hl=maxijet&st=0 The problem with this is that the damn weipro's design is flawed... if they had inverted the output tube to something like a deltec it would be absolutely perfect!
  9. Maybe coz u set the thermostat too low.. I keep mine at around 28 I think... BTW I think the diff between old and new is the old one the fan is SUPER noisy...
  10. Hi guys, My tank is about a year old if not more and the MH bulb is reaching a year old too.. am I right to say that it's time to replace the bulb? Thanks! Ervine
  11. Sorry for late reply ah.. I also using the $450... it's the old model so it's beyond noisy, it's your very own jet engine right in your house... no joke, if you not comfortable with noise don't get the old model... new ones I heard are fine.. As for the power usage, depending on your tank, my chiller goes on only for a few minutes per hour I think... I use fans to supplement cooling and increase evaporation (kalk dosing via auto-top up)... So it's not like 450W is going to be turned on 24/7... hope this helps!
  12. Hm... bubble density looks better today.... will let you guys know how it goes and post some pics soon prob..
  13. Huh u replaced everything but the ballast and it still shuts off? Then can only be 2 things, 1. ur ballast got problem 2. ur power plug/socket got problem...
  14. erm.. why not leave the worms where they are? They don't attack anything alive (at least not that I know off) so in fact they help to clean your tank and that's a good thing...
  15. Yup only 3 solutions just pick the most appropriate one... But IMO, don't use a siphon tube method... once it trips (when the siphon breaks accidentally) you can say bye bye to your furniture in the house...
  16. U don need an anenome.. my clown hosts itself occasionally in a hammer coral.. but most of the time it stays under some rocks...
  17. 8 days is pretty long.... My reservoir can only last my tank for about 5 days max before it needs to be refilled. As for autofeeders I don't trust them, my brothers tank (non-marine) got bombed by food from the autofeeder.. messy.. What I did last time was to get my gf to drop by the house once in 2 days to feed the fishes... they (not sure abt anthias) usually will be able to survive with alternate day feedings... maybe even less IMO, the topping up of water is the most crucial, if water levels dip too low your return pump will be pumping air... might catch fire and all that... dangerous
  18. Hi guys, I'm thinking of adding a pair of T5s to supplement my MH... how far above the water should I place the T5s? My MH bulb is now approx 1.5ft above the water... Thanks! Ervine
  19. Hehe my reply is super late... just tore down my old DIY skimmer so I salvaged the maxijet from it and converted it into a wavemaker via the chopping off method... Really powerful currents now occur in the tank when the maxi goes on.. I set it on a timer for only 15mins per hour (together with my kalk reactor)... Good stuff... Anyone else did this?
  20. Hi guys, I took down my old DIY skimmer coz it started to give me problems... went out to buy a 2nd hand Weipro 2014 and took out the venturi, replaced it with my DIYed needlewheel.... as a result the bubble density at the lower half of the chamber looks pretty darn good... Problem is... the bubbles are getting sucked back into the output of the skimmer before they even get a chance to break at the surface... so the bubble density at the top of the chamber looks pretty thin... Wish I had a pic to show but my cam is in my hostel room.. Anyways, any ideas how to mod if further to prevent bubbles from being sucked out of the skimmer? Thanks! Ervine
  21. ervine

    Overflow pipe

    Sorry ah bro.. u got a diagramatic view? I a bit confused how u fuse the kalk tube and the overflow tube or what drives what...
  22. ervine

    Overflow pipe

    Hm.. by calcium dripper u mean kalk right? If so then issn't it easier to do it using the autotop up?
  23. Side track a bit.. how much victron selling the 10k 250W BLV huh?
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