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Everything posted by ervine

  1. yups.. good camera.. served me well...
  2. Hi guys, Upgraded to a D70 so selling off my 2yr old Fujifilm S602Z, prosumer digital camera. Bought it at $1200 willing to let go at $500. In addition to everything that came with the box, also giving away the following for free: 64MB Smartmedia card + 128MB Smartmedia card 55mm-52mm filter adapter (silver) Hoya 52mm Circular Polarizer Hoya 52mm UV filter 2 x Hoya 52mm +4 close up filter Soft casing for the camera This camera has served me well and I'm selling it only because I have upgraded to a DSLR. To see some sample photos I have taken using this camera please go to http://www.pbase.com/enivre For a detailed review of this excellent camera please go to http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/fujis602z/ and see for yourself. Camera condition is good, LCD not scratched, lens crystal clear but of course not mint condition considering it's age. Sincere buyers only, already tio aeroplane 3 times... grumble.. PM me if interested! Thanks a bunch, Ervine
  3. hm.. I have one and it lives in a world of it's own leh... never seen it bother any other fishes... pretty cute IMO
  4. try Aquaz loh... i used to use reefez as well but cannot seem to find it anymore...
  5. i dump all my hitchhiking critters in my fuge to let them fight it out amongst themselves
  6. RM555?????? RM555 ONLY!!?!??!?!! Impossible!!! that's like 200+ Sing... Confirms bo? Anyone wanna buy my old PS1 btw? hehehee..
  7. U need a big sump for a remote DSB to work... maybe u can try pumping it into a large fibre glass pond (indoors) then in the pond have your frags or what grow out... should work the same
  8. Wah expensive to upkeep the game siah... the game alone if I not wrong cost >100 bucks.. then + the monthly payments... it's more than what I spend to upkeep my tank per month!!!
  9. My lawnmower eats more fish food than algae... I cannot remember the last time I saw it snap at a rock... sigh...
  10. U get green water coz of algae not coz of phyto leh...
  11. If the noise is the same as a weipro I suggest u just get a one way valve or something and shove it into the hole.. sweet silence after that....
  12. Yes if you trust someone in your house with it.. and I don't mean just topping up water and all.. I mean trust him to add ur additives, change ur water, save dying corals etc etc... I leave my tank for weeks at a time and get emergency calls from home approx once a month...
  13. Ah.. just realised u might have spotted the little easter egg in the photo huh? Hehe... was thinking if I should PS it away but I guess it's not too obscene...
  14. tell me abt it man.. haha.. but I'm stagnating my reeftank for now... fixed just about everything I wanted to fix already... now just maintain... for now I'm pumping all funds to photography and some small business ideas... hehe BTW, not suaning u lah... hehe
  15. I had one tiny snail end up choking my recirculation pump for my DIY skimmer... tore the whole skimmer down because of it... grumble
  16. I actually agree with roidan on the body VS lens issue... but also have to throw in another photographer factor... give him a 1Ds Mark II and top of the line lenses, if the photographer cannot fully utilise the camera/lens it'll just be like having a xeon processor to do word documents... As for firefishes.. hehe... wait till I get my macro lens first...
  17. hm... i posted a pic of my mini trochus snails from way back... apparently the spawning was successful!!... but I think only 1 of the snails eventually survived...
  18. Indeed it is... some of my canon friends were surprised by how sharp my images turned out...
  19. D80 coming out? HMmmm... hope got trade in offer.. hehee... Anyway here's another pic of the monkeys... one of the best photos that I've ever taken.. hardly even PSed in photoshop, the image that cam straight from the cam was close to perfect for me but I pushed it up with PS by just a notch...
  20. madness... BTW teles should not be used in daylight right???
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