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Everything posted by ervine

  1. Good tip!! I hate having silicon on my fingers.. so hard to get out
  2. Felt a bit weird when I went to the US.. you have to mentally calculate the tip.. since it isn't shown in the bill.. As for locally.. there shouldn't be any tipping charges what, it's all included in service charge..
  3. so don't buy the Aquaz brand loh.. why make such a big fuss about it...
  4. can share the price and size of this baby? looks good!
  5. my nasarrius also crawl up the glass... I used to have a family of baby snails as well but only 1 of them managed to grow up to adulthood...
  6. just get a piece of rock for them to cling onto... if not they would be free floating and might end up in your return pump
  7. Look at his profile too (in main website)
  8. I got them all!!!! WOOHOO!!!
  9. Erm.. i just wild guessing what to type but to no avail...
  10. Could be.. best is to just go change it for another piece
  11. Eh no lah... If u run the wire to the earth yes no more shock (or ur house might trip) but it still means current is leaking! Fix the problem man... Best is return to shop.. 2nd best is open it up see if any wires accidentally touching the casing... I used to have this problem with my old PL light set, took it apart and rewired some areas can liao...
  12. I tried to DIY one but sadly the results are not worth the effort... changed back to the default venturi in the end
  13. haha... i think I'll get 2 smaller units coz I need them to power different appliances... at least easier to lug around then..
  14. I know this might sound strange.. but is the UPS portable? Coz I thinking of getting one but not for reefing... (ignoring it's hefty 25kgs)
  15. eh... i think u supposed to superglue it while the frag and rock are out of the tank right?.. pls correct me if I'm wrong coz I did that to frag mine and it was pretty easy to get right
  16. i second the razor blade.. just be careful not to cut urself or the silicon
  17. eh.... not too sure if it'll work but try running ur new PH under some hot (not boiling) water... supposed to get rid of the oil... then do the same with ur skimmer.. Worth a shot...
  18. you want reinforce the PVC pipe?? For what purpose? If you mean to connect the PVC pipe to another PVC joint (eg. an elbow) then get the usual PVC glue.. it's cheap and seals the two joints together permanently.. not to mention it's fast acting...
  19. There was a demonstration of the PSP??? WhERE?? Oh and I would NEVER NEVER bring my PSP (if I ever have one) to a fish shop man... esp a saltwater one!
  20. Can refer to my old thread on this... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=7746&hl=mh But I can't physically help u even though.. too busy... As for wiring instructions it's pretty self explanatory on the components, if not do a google search as I did back then...
  21. maybe the T8 is not powerful enough.... can try PL or T5s? As for the type of macroalgae, i too have tried ferns, grapes, lettuce but all slowly died... in the end just one type of fern, with very small leaves, survived and thrived... don't know what name it goes by though...
  22. u can do it.. just take both tanks as a single system and get the equipment for it's summed up size...
  23. i'm using a single 20k 250W with a pair of 10k T5s to supplement my 2.5ft tank... wanted to swop over to 10k 250W but the thought of having much yellower light put me off... maybe i'll give it a try the next time my bulb change is due
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