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Everything posted by ervine

  1. Well.. sometimes cannot hold inside one... even if u tried.. haha...
  2. what if got emergency?? like someone farts?? hehe
  3. now just need to get them into a mud pit!!
  4. My dad helps me take care of my tanks... only problem I have with him is that he keeps overfeeding them.. i mean really overfeed man... Other than that I'm pretty glad he helps me with the tanks while I'm away... Do have a good talk with ur mum to explain the issues regarding ur tank...
  6. got skimmate yet? Looks great!! but somehow it looks like the distance between the collection cup and the riser looks a bit narrow, could have problems cleaning it... or issit due to the refraction of the plastic?
  7. Nice... i din know people still keep bettas... i tot the fad was over
  8. I tried everything liao.. i even went down to the airline office personally to ask and they said they cannot do anything even if I am willing to pay the differene. I cannot even change the name on the ticket... again even if I paid
  9. envy envy... i hate it here.. can't wait to get out of this stupid place... have fun bro...
  10. exactly man.... that's what i heard also.. *DEEP DEEP DEEP DEEP SIGH* now if I don't go to shanghai i lose $510 + $25 (visa) if I go shanghai but tio the exam (it's a selective exam) I will fail my core module and repeat this semester.. looks like have to bite the bullet and burn the money liao...
  11. Oh.. okie okie I try to call them up tomorrow...
  12. give it a rinse in warm water before u install it.. supposed to help break it in faster..
  13. ervine

    wooden stand

    yah I did my own stand, so did some other bros.. go do a search in the DIY forum... You'll probabaly save a hunderd to a few hundred bucks but after many nights of backbreaking work... If you have no access to powertools nor any carpentery knowledge i suggest u don't try...
  14. what's "wait a fe"? Okay I'll try to call up the airline directly then...
  15. Hi guys, I got screwed yet again by my stupid school... I was not supposed to have any examinations this semester thus I planned a trip to Shanghai during the exam period. So i bought my ticket at the Natas fair and was told that the departure date cannot be changed because it's an offer ticket. THEN... after I bought the ticket the school informed us that we have an external examination a few days AFTER i leave for Shanghai. I asked my travel agent if I could sell off the ticket but it seems I can't... Does anyone know about this? Thanks! Ervine
  16. I posted this somewhere else before.. but here's mine
  17. i can do the photography.. if someone can lend me a decent video cam I can do the videography too... eh... only thing is I donno when is Aquarama... if it's after mid May i should be back from Shanghai..
  18. Eh not too sure but i thought sometimes it's coz the furniture blocks UV (from the sun) from reaaching the tile, thus the areas under the furniture does not change in colour... if so then there's nothing u can do about it
  19. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/recenteqsww/Quakes/usweax.htm check it out
  20. hm.. must the mouse stay within the flash thing? or can go outside?
  21. nice... i too started with a 1ft cube... very nice size for a decorative item but after a while fingers got too itchy...
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