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Everything posted by ervine

  1. strange.. never had such a problem before...
  2. granted: but the person will still make a wish I wish for nothing
  3. sorry bro but i disagree... nanos are not very suitable for beginners because the margin of error is very small.. any slight errors you make with the water chemistry and bye bye... larger tanks are more forgiving.. if you ask me... work out a budget and get the biggest tank you can afford (and put in your home).. in that way you'll not waste money upgrading and upgrading... Just plan ahead, at least let us know how much you willing to spend and how big a space you can afford in your house.. not to mention what you intend to keep
  4. straits times classifieds... even got 5 stage RO unit...
  5. i see.. i'll go check it out.. thanks for the tips bro!
  6. Wah... 1hr $30? Hm.. i can live with the dress... haha just kidding.. ks me PMed u liao...
  7. Hi guys, I've been trying to source around for a full colour large format printer capable of printing up to 3mx4m and prefably on fabric or anything that is COMPLETELY non-reflective. Any ideas? I found 1 shop but at $5psf it's really expensive... as for normal PVC banners they are too reflective for my liking.. Thanks! Ervine
  8. GASP!!! SAME BRAND!!!! Shucks... lucky already changed brand.. As for pH i wanted to test but realised my test kit only measures from 7.4 up... will try to borrow one... I think they recently (before the major water change) replaced the water tank/heated that serves my unit... wonder if they could have added anything into the water... btw where still got sell dennerle products?
  9. Maybe will rig up my old DIY C02... as for the plazengold I used to dose it but what was it supposed to do again? forgot already.. I din know overdosing of anti-chlorine causes slime melt?? Confirms?
  10. Anyone saw the classifieds today? got a whole section on water purfiers and distillers and stuff...
  11. none of the above... i started out with freshwater many years ago then when that became boring I decided to take a stab at saltwater... ever since then it's been a downward spiral for my bank account...
  12. erm.. of all brands u wanna try to put a resun outdoors? Don't risk it bro...
  13. ah would love to take them over from you but already have a resident clown and I don't think he'll like to be disturbed... upz for a good offer..
  14. u mean just place the caulerpa in a barebottom refugium issit? It's OK but best if u can get some elevated egg crate or something for the caulerpa to cling onto.. if not it might get sucked into your return pump As for lights, I recommend at least PL lights.. FL might not be strong enough
  15. hm.. but where selling DI units? and how much + how much to recharge it?
  16. Hmm.. not leh... From what I notice there's some white substance on their body that can be shaken off... i don't know what it is, slime? i don think it's velvet or what but I not sure.. Also.. almost confirm the batches of worms I getting something wrong... crap.. i've stopped feeding them already and I'm going to change another 50% of the water again.. Intrestingly, all the rummy noses and neon tetras nothing happened, all the platies, cories and zebra dainos perished... i don't get it! Also my two discus looks ok..
  17. some people use a titanium ground probe in their tank as a safety feature in case an electrical device drops into the water or other stray electricity gets to your water..
  18. Same here! I wonder how much it costs to maintain such a monster??
  19. I not pumping CO2 into tank.. haven't done so for the past 4-5 yrs liao... As for tubis i do suspect something is wrong with the recent batches of worms i've been getting.. coz they usually can last me several days before it turns foul.. but recently it keeps turning bad almost overnight... Maybe time to switch over to frozen.. hm.. And during Sunday's water change I did take out all the wood and rock work and pour boiling water over them to kill the stupid black brush algae that's been taking over the tank... also plucked out a bunch of infected plants... I wonder if the die off from the dead algae could be the cause.. ammonia spike perhaps??
  20. u mean those TINY TINY bristles? Can hardly see it... but I don't think it's anything dangerous from the looks of it
  21. i have a 2.5ft tank and i added in my orange sea star http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di....cfm?pCatId=581. several months ago... pretty cute little fella, just roams around the tank.. Only problem I had with him was not once but twice it climbed over my overflow fence.. of that two times once he managed to get itself sucked into the sump (and survive!).. I think I bought at $8-15 bucks?? around that region from ML... cannot remember the exact price liao...
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