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Everything posted by ervine

  1. sorry ah but do people still use the chopstick method to kill crabs?
  2. wah is it even physically still possible??
  3. wah this really brightened my gloomy mood man... she's like william hung.. only worse... maybe it's his sister? best part is when she said she never learn dancing from anywhere, it's from within her... wah lau eh!!
  4. yah FOWLR is fine... just don't be using no MH lights...
  5. I feel much safer in Singapore than any other country I've visited, although I did get pick pocketed in singapore before... at least I never had the feeling that my life was in danger if I didn't reach home before midnight... As for the crime rate increasing, it could merely be the number or reported cases have been increasing and the number which get reported in the papers increase accordingly, perhaps the actual number remains the same...
  6. u very free to analyse these things hor? haha...
  7. bro... there will be no such thing as "lack of money" if money didn't exist to begin with.. haha...
  8. isn't money the root of all evil? not problems?
  9. not really break.. more like slow down... coz micro/mini bubbles enter the tube and get trapped... over time the water slows down... i think abt once in 2 weeks I'll notice the difference..
  10. will the same apply for males? That's a bit too sweeping a statement my friend...
  11. yes... that's really a very dangerous trap to fall into... to spend money you have not earned yet...
  12. if you can maybe make the competition related to your line of work? for eg. for us architecture students one competition was to build a tower with straws, tallest wins...
  13. be VERY careful with siphon breaks.. one possible way to minimise such a disaster is to have a small hole at the top of the U tube which is attached to an air tubing which is then attached via venturi to a pump running in your tank... Should air enter the tubing it will (hopefully) be sucked back out via venturi effect by the pump... I can't remember if this method as worked for me before but I believe so... been many years since I dumped the U tube coz of frequent siphon breaking problems
  14. is it like a get together session? or those do at your own free time competitions?
  15. oh wow the school of anthias!! *gasp*... where's anilao anyways?
  16. Hi guys, For those who know me, I'm currently taking a year off from my architecture studies to pursue photography and as such I'm actually trying to fuse my knowledge of both to give a shot at becoming an architecture/interior photographer. As such, I'm looking for people with nicely decorated/renovated homes, offices or shops (no particular style, anything goes) to photograph just to build up my portfolio and skills... If anyone will be so kind as to help me out a little here please PM me... greatly appreciate any help I can find. Thanks a bunch! Ervine
  17. u are right.... + the diameter needs to be big enough...
  18. he should be a poet instead... might earn more
  19. try this? will never clog... just need to get the right size and depth for it to work... it's basically a bubble baffle, w/o the glass lah...
  20. why don u just use the sponge thing that came with the weipro?? Oh.. u using macro... hm... what you can try is to let the macro output into a PVC T-junction pipe which in turn acts like a bubble baffle...of sorts... something like this... I use this for my overflow pipe... cuts out abt 1/2 the bubbles coz I using too small a diameter...
  21. or if you are daring, can use a credit card that's still usable.. heheheee... I use my old SAFRA card... some people use razor blades, very effective but dangerous to yourself and to the silicone..
  22. did this before but only 1 problem with this bro... the bag traps dirt that's not removed by the skimmer.. needs maintanence... but other than that it's a good way to go... can use a stocking too btw..
  23. depends what you wanan clean also... people tend to use vinegar when they want to get rid of some calcification or calcium build up if I'm not wrong... hot water won't do anything to clean calium build up...
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