shucks man... is it safe to dispose of? Should I be worried about the gas that's seeping out?
also, what would be a good replacement for it?
Thanks thanks..
Hi guys,
I've been having the worst week of my life, everything electronic is breaking down around me and to add salt to the wound i suddenly spotted "smoke" coming out from my Resun 450 chiller.
I opened the front cover to see that the inards are quite badly rusted and there is an audible hissing sound from which I can sometimes make out some gas coming out from it.
How how how???
I have already disconnected the chiller and moved it outside away from people, I had also turned off my MH and started the airconditioning..
How how how??? can the chiller be repaired or better just to buy a new one altogether??
not to mention the electrical bills for a 6footer... 250W might not cut it... might need 400W, and not just one.. for 6 feet tank maybe 3-4 bulbs?? That's like 1200-1600W just on lights alone!!
well.. that depends on other factors such as distance from bulb to water, depth of water etc... bulb temperature will also come into play as well....
also don get confused.. DE bulbs = double ended.. but DE is also one of our sponsors, Dr. Evil...
yups but it works because the cooling coils are hotter than the surrounding environment (owing to the refridgerant) thus it can be air or water cooled in our environment..
If you simply pump water that you need cooled thru the cooling coils, it will hardly do anything, or even worse it might gather heat from the sun & environment instead (like some solar heaters)...
i think he probably designed it such that there will always be flow... i.e. at any one time there will always be one outlet for the water to come out...
tell me about it... nearly died putting my stand together...
I bought my wood from some timber merchant in ubi industrial estate.. forgot the price already..
yeah doesn't work well in singapore... if you have a tank in a hot dry climate this would work quite well I believe..
In air-conditioned buildings in singapore they use such evaporative coolers (cooling towers) but coupled with the usual refrigerant based methods...
i played when I was a secondary school boy man... no money for expensive cards, all my card value all under $20 bucks one.. sobs...
but I still won my fair share of matches.. haha...