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Everything posted by ervine

  1. cool stuff... didn't know of the incision method.. might try it soon... so I just snip it till almost the mouth? But how to move the frag?
  2. hm.. is a 1/2HP for a 2.5ft considered super overkill?
  3. HMMmmm... but it should cool ur tank much faster than before yah? is it possible to cool TOO fast?
  4. i actually got some advice from a fellow reefer who said that an oversized chiller might chill your water too quickly resulting in stress for the corals In addition, because it chills so quickly the chiller tends to kick in more frequently and results in some spikes of some sorts which make ur electrical meter jump (i.e. money go down the drain).. True?
  5. just wondering.. what's the total height for this beast?
  6. it works perfectly now actually.. just with 2 screws taken out... I think my HD is slightly thicker? so when the casing is put together the padding causes the HD to be too tightly squashed.. Is yours a little difficult to put together after ur HD is in? Also I managed to format 30Gs in FAT32 leh...
  7. Hi guys, My chiller died so need to buy a new one, was wondering if an over sized chiller is actually more or less energy efficient and the reasons why. I think it was talked about before some time back but I can't seem to find the thread. Anyone remembers? Thanks! Ervine
  8. yeaps my ehiem cannisters have been running for many years.. i think 6+ years already still going strong... (used on freshwater tank) From what I understand fluval's newer range also not bad... Petmart sells i think..
  9. Hm.. don know of any website leh.. Anyway mine has a small problem, when I screw in all the 4 screws it's a little tight, so much so that I the HD cannot function properly.. so the workaround was to screw in only 2 of the 4 screws... shrug..
  10. i think you can probably have some kinda "return baffle box" of sorts to make sure that the bubbles do not get into your tank...
  11. hm will the partitioning cause it to store data only in 1 partition?
  12. wow I thought it is really difficult to get marine stuff from china?
  13. good price for a good phone... my gf and I just bought one at a 2nd hand shop for around the same price.. really cool phone... ups for u bro
  14. if your skimmer return is directly into the tank you might have micro bubble woes bro... very irritating...
  15. anyway I just recieved my OTG digital partner today... haven't fully tested it out yet but looks pretty decent...
  16. Hi guys, just trying my luck. If you have a chiller for sale that's rated for a 2.5ft x 1.5ft x 2ft let me know yah? Need it soon coz my chiller is dead. Thanks! Ervine
  17. but i don think the coils are damaged.. it's all the other tubings and stuff... even compressor also a bit rusty
  18. actually.... after looking at it's internal condition I think I don't think that it's salvagable.. rusting all over already, the cost to fix it might as well buy a new one.. sigh.. any good recommendations for a 2.5ftx1.5ftx2ft? Will be used in bedroom so hopefully can get something quieter...
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