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Everything posted by tomowilson

  1. thanks guys. Got the chaeto from MadPetz. Went there to buy stuff and when I asked whether they have chaeto, I was offered a handful FOC.
  2. Looking for chaeto. Pls let me know if you have some to let go.
  3. If you are paying less for a product that does the same thing. Y not?
  4. http://singapore.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=retrieveTfg&Nty=1&Ntx=mode%2bmatchallpartial&Ntk=I18NAll&Ns=stockPolicy_sg|1||new_sg|1&Ne=4294934505&Nr=AND%28avl%3asg%2csearchDiscon_sg%3aN%29&N=4294659913+4294833667&binCount=125&Ntt=float+switch&multiselectParam=4294659913&selectSubRange=Vertical%20Float%20Switches#breadCrumb You can go for the $10+ switch.
  5. I tried doing that by cutting off the part which was connected to Rio but the problem is still there. I will change the whole rubber hose tmr since it starting to harden.
  6. My tank is experiencing micro bubble problem for the past 2-3 weeks since I changed my return pump to Aquabee 3000. Previously, I was using Rio 10HF without micro bubble problem. I am using mainly rubber hoses. Any suggestion? Wilson
  7. fantastic work!! the acrylic workmanship was brilliant. I am not really a hardware guy thus I really admire these skills. But the controller looks like a bomb
  8. Bro, don't really understand pt 2. Care to elaborate? Thanks.
  9. nothing really innovative though . Will need to do some modifications to improve the efficiency. Any recommendation for a cost effective phosphate test kit? I am using API now and find the reading is not granular enough. (e.g. 0 and next color code is for 0.25). My current reading is somewhere between 0 - 0.25.
  10. Bought 2 10" water filter canisters intending for my DIY RO/DI unit project but did not proceed. Not wanting it to be wasted, I DIYed a phosphate reactor instead. I am testing it using PhosGuard now and will share more if it is working. Cheers.
  11. btw, it comes with a flow regulator, pls see the box in pic 2.
  12. Selling 1 new Sicce Suprema @ $80. Decided to use Aquabee as my return pump.
  13. Hi, anyone heard of Dazs T5 light tube? Is it good? Thanks.
  14. Hi All, I am looking for a chiller (capacity of around 300L) for my 2FT setup. Preferably is Daeil, Artica or Teco. Deal in the North, best if in AMK.
  15. I am looking for Gonio. Saw a few pretty Gonio in AM display tank, pink or red.
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