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  1. All stock currently reserved for collection.
  2. some pictures of the fishes. Quality not good due to sunlight reflection. Clown fish. blue damsel Scopas(?) tang
  3. Hi All Having been in this hobby since 2006, I have to painfully make the decision to close down my tank as I will be moving to a new place which is not able to accommodate a reef tank. I have the following fishes to give away to fellow reefers who are willing and sincerely wanted to adopt my little fishes. Pair of egg laying clown fish. About 8-10 cm each. A scopas tang (not too sure about the species). About 15cm. A blue damsel. All the fishes are eating a mixture of frozen mysis shrimp and brine shrimp, loaded with garlic guard and selcon. They do take algae veggie as snacks. All the fishes have been with me for at least 3 years. I also have a few rocks of mushroom coral to be given away as well but will only be available once the clown fish and tang are taken. Will try post a picture of my 2FT tank asap. PM me if you are interested. Collect at AMK and pls bring your own fish bag.
  4. As above. Abt 2.5-3 inch. Collect at AMK ave 3. PM me. thanks. Regards, Wilson
  5. bro maybe you could check the soldering on your blue string. that's just my 2 cents.
  6. good reply from you. now pushing the blame to me for being able to fulfill the deal and arrive on time. Since you put up your stuff on sale then you should at least fulfill your role as a seller. Apologies accepted. Just want other reefers to know how to deal with you next time.
  7. You put me aeroplane. Despite us agreeing on the date and time for collection, you ignored my sms and calls on the day of collection. You successfully wasted my 1hr+ of travelling time. I sms you at 6pm informing you that I am on my way and you did not pick up my calls (2 miss calls) at 7pm. Only at 810pm, you replied me that you had just finished a meeting. What reason is this? 1) You know that you will be working then you should not agree on a timing with no room for error. 2) I know some meeting can drag quite long but why can't you just give me a quick sms to change date? I think this is a lesson that not just buyer will fly aeroplane, seller also will!
  8. You can use a plastic spray (Servol or something, cannot remem the name) to coat the LED and the soldering joint, this will help to prevent short circuit. Can buy it from Sim Lim Tower (level 3 is cheaper). I can pass you mine to coat your LED system but pls return the spray back to me . IMHO, acrylic splash guard is a must.
  9. Hi All, I have a bicolor blenny for close to 3 months. It is losing weight day by day. It feeds on mysis and brine shrimp (both soaked in garlic guard, selcon and vitachem) and grazes on rocks. I tried to supplement with seaweed but it is not interested. What else can I do? Thanks. Regards, Wilson
  10. @yeo99: where did you get your resun wavemaker?
  11. Looking to make a hood for my 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft. Any recommendation? Thanks. Wilson
  12. Salt sold. Pump still available.
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