Selling some of the Japanese marine magazines collection that give me a lot of ideas and inspiration.
Although it is in a foreign language, it offers many new insight on the technique, corals display,
filtration techniques, and many ideas of different Japanese owner displace tanks.
Most of these magazines feature various marine fishes in each genera and some other additional topics/tips(useful only if you can understand the language) and show tank.
Japan publish magazines, especially these ones are of very high picture quality.
This is what Japan magazine are famous for.
Most of these magazines are publish once annually.
They are very well kept as reference and some are with protection cover.
Price are non negotiable.
1) $20 magazine
2)$20 magazine
3) $20 magazine
4) Set of 4 magazines $80
5) A small magazine on marine fishes $20
6) A very good marine fishes magazine $35
FCFS basic. Kindly reply if interested.