Hi jyoon,
Yes, its a good backup option for your current MP40*.
The only main different is this 1st gen driver offer is basically manual speed control.
Namely being by the turn of a analog dial to varies the Vortech speed. Simple and build like a tank.
Whereas controller that come after the 1st gen offer wireless configuration where if you are operating more than one MP40*,
you can have a "master" and "slave" setup. Also, if you realise your current one has also fancy option where it allow you to "choose"
the type of reef wave being output by the Vortech.
Not trying to push sales here, but it just occur to me that it is always good to have a back up driver for
a pump like Vortech if you have a means to do so. For those who drives, you will appreciate and understand how important a backup tyre is.
Know how to change the tyre is the other thing
A good backup hardware plan sometimes play a big part in the life and death of your tank habitants.
My 2 cents worth.