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Everything posted by YzF

  1. Guys... Can the photo he posted earlier (10 sept) is actually the photoshop one. The 14 sep is the original one...
  2. Rav 65, I can do a swop..
  3. Purple digi. Mother colony
  4. I selling my Deltec 2ft retrofit refer to the above link. Thanks H_S
  5. I have a purple digi frag for trade. Supposed to be with yellow polyps. Just broke it today. To trade with you orange digi. Pics up later if you interested.
  6. Believe Bro Rumor is very active in the show circles. Totally agree with him on the getting the pet from REPUTABLE Breeders. By that i do not mean that getting pets from just famous petshop nor i mean pets from petshop are of poor quality. There are ppl in Singapore that breeds Show standards pups. Each of them specialised in a particular breed. JRT, MS, etc... You will know what i mean if you have seen how some petshops or farms breed their own stocks. The bitch is basically in the cage for her whole life time. Her job is just to breed. Someone mention about pups from champions line (Show)are clever or something. Agree with Sis Jas and would like to add that BEING from the champion line, it will ALMOST ensure that your pups are free from DEFECTS. Most of these defects are difficult to detect. Like deaf in one ear, joint probs, undescended testicles..etc. . All these will add to your time and $$ burden. Tempermental behaviour among most other characters are inherit form their parents. If you dun know the parents of the pup, how can you tell if there's any probs? Reputable breeders can show you the history and even the great grand-parents if there's a need to. Not just by cert or tells you that's an Australian breed. Australian breed doesn't mean anything. Its just like WOW, THATS A SINGAPORE BREED! I stand in the point where some petshop owners are like some of our LFS owners. They are trying to SELL you things Dun believe in every words they say. Research and more research is how we learn things. Every dog is different. Every dog will need to bite on things when they are teething (But you can teach what it can bite). Its just like a child as some of the reefers commented. And you dun spend 1 hour per day with your child and expect your child to know all the correct things right? Shaving the hair of long haired dogs will reduce the silkyness of the fur. But it will saves you some trouble. Do you wan an ugly dog? Keeping short haired dogs will mean more shedding and more fur all over the place. Or do you wan to keep sweeping the floor? Do a search to find forums like doggiesite.com & sgjrt.com among others. You can find more articles and info there. Hope these helps. Just my 2 cents and hope to share some my experiences Btw i used to keep JRTs No regrets.
  7. They mention that Barnacles are "GOOD" stuffs!
  8. Was searching for some Pics and found this site. Dun happen to see this around here so hope it will help some of the reefers here. Pics of Hitchhikers
  9. Dun know if you wan... i have 5 pc of used T5. Mixture of Spectrum. Mostly Aquaz T5. Pick up in Hougang. For a token of 5 bucks?
  10. Price reduce. Now for $120!! With Deltec T5s.
  11. Another pic of it. With a F. Ric in the picture for comparison.
  12. I have a Deltec T5s retrofit for sale. Holds 2 x 24watt T5. Used it for about 6 months when i upgrade my tank. Been in storeroom since. Comes with Deltec tubes (Blue and White). New one probbably cost around 200plus. Plan to sell at 140 bucks. Interested parties can pm me.
  13. Xpert1974 Do let us know the results. I'm interested to know how well it works. I'm facing silmilar prob.Just a friendly reminder...Bro MinsMarine reminded not to overdose. Good luck.
  14. Going to let this uncommon beauty for sale soon. Its Beautiful, uncommon and Hardy..Yuma collectors will know what i mean. Interested fellow reefers can pm me your price. Open up bigger than 50 cent coin.
  15. Bro dorado, l am looking more for purple polyp with cream base monti or some acros now. Maybe you can let me know when your acros are ready to be frag. Seen your thread. Very nice tank and stock.
  16. Keep the fire worm lor.. You worm collector mah.. Then pass me the yuma..
  17. Quite a few used ATi to acheive good results.. Unfortunately i am unable to get my hands on it as it shuts down.. So decided to give D&D a try. Recently there's Aqualight and Aquamedic in the market. Anyone using them got comment? I'm refering to those who run solely t5s in their tanks in this case.
  18. 4x2x2. 8 hours. Currently testing out tubes. Just change to 2 x Deltec white and 2 x deltec blue tube. (forgot the actual names) So it occupies the behind half of the hood now. The rest still using previous brand tubes. Showing good result liao.. at least compared to the previous tubes. Brown colonies colouring up in matter of 2 weeks. But the colour not so intense yet. Prob like bro weilong say abt the water parameter. Would like to use all deltec tubes.. but too ex to invest at one go...
  19. You can try asking some tropical fish shops. Seem a couple of them selling before. Mostly at east side.
  20. any update from the recent SPS shipment? Looking for nice yumas too.. anyone spotted anything??
  21. Running 8 x T5s. I agree that Brand of tubes make A difference.
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