My cleaner give birth like 4 times(i happen to see the babies) already.. tried LR on sand bed in small tank with continuous stream of bubbles.. didn't make it. Die in like 2 days or so.. dun know what to feed them...
So other than Bulb not compatible? The rest possible?
Because i have lobang with Osram, thinking of setting up one. but i not sure of what is needed.And if everything ok can intro to fellow reefers..
Dr Evil, Any specs to give??
I wanted to have a MH.
Is it posssible to get all parts of MH made by Osram?
Maybe someone can help me list out the parts and i can put one Metal Halide together.
Bulb Osram888
Holder Osram777
Ballast Osram333
Reflector Osram444
Kalk? Normally ppl use it in the Calcium reactor?
How much is one packet or box (dun know how it look like)
It is true that Calcium react with phosphate.
Phospate test kit like quite ex.
I already been adding trace element into the tank
Thanks Justink.
There is new T5s in the market. 20W one. Cheaper.
i saw MH for 4 or 5 footer. Look like PL light casing with 3 or 4 very small bulb inside. Does the 2 ft MH look the same?? I dun wan to drill holes on my walls to mount the MH.
Btw whats the price of the MH like?
and the price of T5 2 X 24W?
btw whats LPS and SPS? i think my polyp turning brown,, because of poor lighting??
Thinking of getting the Dyma T5 as additional.. 2 X 20W
Enough then?
I have a 2 feet tank (running for 4 months) and is planning to set a reef tank with it.
Currently running on :
Eheim 2222 External filter
2 X 36W PL light (Coralife actinic and 10 000K)
Sander Skimmer (small one)
10 kg of Live Rock
1 maroon clown
1 yellow goby
2 cleaner shrimps
2 Fire Shrimps
Some mushroom and green buttons.
2 feather
I wanted to try Clams, Anemone and some other corals (dun know names of them) with my present specs. Dun think wan to buy a MH.
a) Is it possible?
How to improve? Another set of T5?
c) Which of the above mention can/cannot be keep?
Thanks for all your comment!
Hi all. I am running a fish only 4 feet tank for about 7 mths now.
Have a Blue, Purple, Yellow tang. 1 Maroon clown and 2 clown and some damsels. Basic parameter under control. Never test for phosphate though.
Notice colour of fishes fades. The maroon changes slightly blackish. Been adding marine trace (seachem) into the system. Feed them with Tetra flakes and sometimes mysis and brine shrimps.
Is there anyway to bring the colour back? Hear that Vit C is needed also for the Marine Trace to be effective. Is there any acticle on it?
Searched the forum but cannot find anything abt fish losing colour.
Thanks for all your help!
copepods? Those small, white, elongated living thing on my tank wall? i have quite a bit but dun think those can last long.. he/she not eating my brine.. seems like DT plankton is good stuff huh?
i ride a wr400.. not R1 leh..hee
Needed help to feed Mandarin. tried few stuff but dun seems to good..
Frozen Brine, live babies brine, dried food, mysis shrimps..
Anyone know how? i knows they like live small food. Is there anything i can culture or purchase?
planktons? where to get it? any brands? i am feeding my corals a Coralife solution. will it do? i had transfer to another tank with a sand bed and just a air pump running.
terry: can try feeding Dt phytoplankton... What's that??
My cleaner shrimps just spawned hundreds of baby shrimps!! I wanted to save at least some of them. Anyone know what to do to keep them alive???? there is 3 shrimps in the tank plus another goby. i had remove some of babies into another tank..and placed a piece of live rock in it.
Can't really find any info on ways to keep them alive. Anyone know what to feed them? HELP!!