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Everything posted by Sapp

  1. Brand New PH Controller for sale @ $140. Comes with calibration fluid and new probe. Collection in the west.
  2. CO2 tank with Solenoid valve for sale @$130. Still have about 30% of CO2 inside tank. Solenoid brand is Nass Magnet from USA. Collection in the west.
  3. Not sure if the pple at Sim Lim will know how to do but you can try. If not, can check with some of the LFS if they sell the ballast for HO T5. Give AM a call and see if they can help.
  4. You will need to change the ballast in order for the HO T5 to work in your existing lightset.
  5. Bro, Can show some pics of the interior of the cabinet? Thanks.
  6. Bro, Chiller dun come with pump. You need to install a chiller feed pump. Size of the pump depends on what chiller you are using and your tank volume..
  7. You have the nest... but where are the birds??
  8. Bro, You also very poisonous hor...
  9. Bro, Change job liao no news ah? I no more kopi kaki very boring here leh...
  10. OEI!!... we dun want to see boxes... we wan to see many many bubbles/foam... courtesy of the needlewheel.... show us the bubbles/foam...
  11. Singapore water supply is clean enough that we do not need to deploy a RO unit. Just use a DI unit is more than sufficient.
  12. A reefer has confirmed collection for the FOC tank tonight. Sorry to those who expressed interest for viewing earlier.
  13. Hi Everyone, pls note that I will not reserve the tank for anyone cos I dun want to get aeroplane later. Tank will be on first come, first confirm, first take basis. Thanks.
  14. Hi, I have a 2x2x1.5, 10mm thick tank about 2 yrs old to give away. Comes with cabinet 2ft in height. Please note that there is no overflow system. Good for pple using cannister filters. Please arrange for own transport. Collection in the west. I also have overflow box and 1.5ft sump if anyone is interested for a small fee.
  15. Nice Scape bro. Can see alot of places to place corals.... Hurry up and start your cycling. Many corals awaiting return to their new home.
  16. Glad to hear that Chercm. But pls keep in mind that equipment alone is not enough to have a successful reef. All the best.
  17. No hard feeling bro CopperBand. But I will not mind giving out free frags to reefers who are willing to LEARN and try sps. However, to those who just try sps blindly without learning from their mistakes and still persist on asking for free frags which will eventually die in their care.... is very wrong.
  18. Still trying out? What happened to all the free frags you got last time?
  19. HI, I am interested to get this should Raymus backs out. Thanks. Sapp H/P: 96804474
  20. Bro, How high did u set the water level in the Skimmer before you switch on the needlewheel pump? Also, did you add cyclopleeze to your tank? Cyclopleeze will cause the Deltec skimmer to skim like crazy as I was told by Seet from RD.
  21. Putting Rowa in a bag and dumping it into the sump works as well.. just that is not as effective as a FR. A FR will maximise the contact between the water and the filter media thus making for more effective PO4 removal from your tank water. If you want to use filter bag instead, make sure you have a good water current flowing through the media bag.
  22. Bro, Thats not a button. That looks more like a gonio. The best way to test if your tank is ready for livestock is by testing the water parameters using testkits and not using live fishes. Damsels are quite hardy fishes and can tolerate poor water parameters. 8 days cycling period is abit short, do monitor your fishes and corals closely. Also, stock up very slowing since you have a small water volume. Try to limit the number of livestock since 24G is not really not big volume. If you are not running a skimmer, do consider to put in more live rocks to help with the nutrients breakdown.
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