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Everything posted by regularguy

  1. you can try CF.... there are many small blue tangs available. and i saw one moorish idol about 3". was there on 4th dec
  2. this is the most ridiculous thing i have seen so far in this thread. but i guess it will be quite a comical sight
  3. the price of powerlux ($439) is not double of retrofit ($260) if you notice, for any combination, the cost of adding one more tube is about $160 more
  4. its just metaphorically speaking of course they should receive some education too, but main thing is that they play soccer full time, something like ajax football academy
  5. i think we should go the way of what ivy singh once said. Just give 50boy $1 million each, then get them to play soccer from really young age. Don't tell me eat, sleep, soccer 24hrs/day for 20 yrs cannot train them to be as good as world class standard.
  6. i have some of those spiderweb-like threads on my LR too. its not any invert or worms but dun really know the term for it. anybody can ID it?
  7. from my understanding, that's correct but lets not confuse lawrence further here.
  8. ya quite true.... can hardly find one that sells the ear, tongue, skin and heart. mostly nowadays just the intestine, dao pok and dao gua
  9. ok, since everyone is airing their greivances here, let me say mine although its not about dishonouring transaction. 5months ago i sold someone a 2nd hand PS for $40 at 1 week old. About a month ago, he sold someone that same PS stating it's only 2months old and at $40. I saw that thread too late to stop the would be buyer.
  10. okay... what hondance said may sound quite confusing here. actually what he meant is that you need either sump or canister. but a sump is preferable as you can place your protein skimmer here to hide it out of sight from the tank and if you only rely on liverocks and DSB, then how are you going to have any mechanical filtration? since you have already bought your tank, presumably without any overflow, maybe you can get a I-box to bring the water down to the sump. hope this helps
  11. can do a search on LFS address... nearest to you would probably be T*5 and the balestier area
  12. i don't think any LFS will sell you at a discounted price. After all, for the same 60kg, they can easily sell out their LRs at their normal price. why don't you try buying in smaller portions from reefers who wanna sell theirs?
  13. no lah.... not gentleman if you tell her correctly, it can be a good pick up line
  14. looks like i am the only one that chose option1
  15. IMO, i don't think the dymax T5s is anywhere as bright as ATI. Anyway to relate an incident, i didn't know the light set that dymax was displaying was T5. So i just look under the casing to take a look at the light tube (and i even manage to see the imprints which stated it was T5). Anyone who has actually look at the T5s by ATI will know that its almost impossible to look at the tube without getting blurry eyes.
  16. mushrooms are really hardy....... i am not sure what's the prob though maybe you can list your parameters first
  17. its quite hard to tell you what to do next unless you know what you want. your lighting definitely not enough. with the light you have, maybe you can start with a fish only with live rocks tank. its a good starting ground, then read up and learn more first before venturing into keeping corals. unless of course you got the money, everything also can.
  18. there are some really useful write ups in the new to hobby section.. perhaps you can start by reading bawater article
  19. if you have a 150W light, it will be helpful to move your clams higher up the tank, but if your light is just a 36W PL, its useless.
  20. that's too general a question scooter.... maybe as a general guideline, with basic parameters being in the ideal range (PH, NO3, temp etc etc etc etc), mushroom can do lesser with: 1) lighting (you gotta at least tell us the dimension of your tank) 2) Ca (provided you dun have other Ca demanding corals) 3) Alk can be in the lower range (again, see what other corals you have) 4) feeding (in fact, dun really need to feed them) basically, that's all i can think of unless you give more specific questions
  21. i think that's the case for most places, not only LFS sad as it may seem, but that's a fact of life
  22. hey... your description still not very clear.... what do you mean by you wanna keep some corals (which type??) but not SPS, hammer, mushroom(these 3 basically covers SPS,LPS and soft corals)
  23. i understand your anger.... i just called them up yesterday to cancel the damn dark space thing there is also a mail guard that they are charging too... better cancel yours if you haven't opt out.
  24. actually internal overflow system is the one where the sump is part of the tank itself.
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