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Everything posted by sherman

  1. I am talking about strip led
  2. Hi Bro Reckless, Is the LED strip you using hard or flexible strip type? If it is hard strip type then each strip run on 1/4 amp 12 v or 24 v depend on manufacturer. This type of LED is good for viewing and fish only tank or sump or tank less then 9 inch height and laso nite light. Some mushroom can survive,zoo and monti need to be place at least 3 to 4 inch from the top. If you keep them at 12 inch below the light they will just pale off over time. Any way for this type of LED the driver is build on the strip already.You just need a DC power adaptor of the right voltage and current. A 1 amp adaptor can easily drive 4 strip of this type of LED.
  3. What temperature you able to achieve with your 3 fans?
  4. Try the turbo snail.They also eat HA. So far I try both sea hare and turbo snail. All my 3 sea hare ver hard working but die in one week. Now left the turbo snails. HA is slowly clearing. You also have red slime.Believe your PO4 is high.Better run phos remover like Rowa. And do water change regularly.This is going to be tough job for at least a month or 2 if you follow the action diligently.
  5. I believe there are many users out there base on the BO of algae scrubber
  6. Its true. Sometime better to clarify before your purchase. Best is seen the item before you invest
  7. Hi sis, I do not think the lost of LED near the edge of your light set is any problem . In fact for light design the first led is usually 2 to 4 inch from the light case edge. I think it is more on the rating of LED and the spacing between LED and what lens is use to force the LED light down to your tank base. Hope this will help in your understanding of how LED work Cheers
  8. Wow,nice collection. When you going to fraq them? Interested
  9. Anyone have this SamSung Blue Player,BD-P1500? My remote control cannot work yesterday while watching some show. Change battery still the same. Like to borrow the remote control to confirm it is the remote control fault and no the firmware issue Thank You sms me at 90670590
  10. I think he mention 10 mm thick acrylic. If it is 10 mm I think its reasonable. Cheaper will be PP or PC
  11. Bro, I think the green and red monti are super grower. The lime green grow at a slower rate. This is what I see in my tank.
  12. If someone in the west have the purple monti ,I like to have a fraq also Thanks
  13. Where to deal? Interested in the ice probe. SMS me at 90670590
  14. Yes,bro. But it is working through not perfect.
  15. You can get one from Sim Lim Tower Can sms me at 90670590?
  16. Looking for : 1. Emerald Crabs 2. Cerith snails 3. Nerite snails Any one selling above please sms me at 90670590 or anyone can recomend where I can get them Thank You
  17. sherman

    Big Blue Tub

    Any one in the west have big blue tub for loan. I need one to contain my life stock and live rock when doing rescaping next week Please sms me at 90670590 if you have the tub Thank You
  18. Wow nice. Another tank in the making.
  19. Better to play with a smaller tank like nano and gain some experience. When you move to a new place you can decide to remain small or upgrade to a bigger tank. A 5 footer need a 1/3 or 1/2 HP chiller Cheers
  20. Look like the algae scrubber is doing a great job. PO4 is dropping in value,SPS start to color up and growth is seen. But there are still some red slime. It is not totally eliminated
  21. The PO4 from 22nd Feb till now maintain between 0.055 to 0.075.(Reading from Hanna Tester) SPS start to grow and also color up.
  22. What test kit you use to measure your PO4 and NO3? I get near 0 reading for my PO4 3 months ago. But still have red slime. Get another test kit (Same brand) still the same near 0 reading. Then one day a nice reefer help me to measure my PO4 with his Hanna PO4 tester and the reading was so high. 0.48 So be very careful the reliability of the test kit you use.
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