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Everything posted by sherman

  1. DI water generation is very slow with my crystal pro. Look like I may just top up with tap water for testing the overflow this weekend.
  2. Now need to fillup with DI water for testing
  3. Another photo of the overflow
  4. My overflow installed tonite
  5. Finish DIY the overflow pipe system
  6. Bought some PVC fitting and pipe to DIY my overflow system
  7. Today add in the sump after some cleanup and modification carried out. The latest update photo of my 2.5 ft tank with sump and filter sock
  8. Looking for 2 ft cube? SMS me at 90670590
  9. Thank You for sharig your idea bro William
  10. I think an external overflow is as good as a drill hole overflow. (Theory) So like to try out
  11. The main tank is 74.81 US Gal or 283.17 litres
  12. Any one selling overflow box or overflow pipe Please sms me at 90670590
  13. Just wondering. Should I use seawater or should I use salt mix?
  14. You are right,bro. This is no more cube because the width is longer. Wrong description
  15. Finally my nano cube come in on 29th Oct at 1100 am
  16. Still looking for sale sms me at 90670590 Sherman
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