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Everything posted by sherman

  1. Agree with you bro Sunny. Today add in a wavemaker before add salt
  2. Hi Bro Suuny, Thank You for your comment. I copy your fast DI water generation. Hope you don't mind. Great idea
  3. Just take the TDS reading .It is 0.01 . Seem that is the best it can go down. Is 0.01 ppm DI water good enough for salt mix? Please give your comment
  4. Hi Bro William, Thank You for reading the thread. Hope it is helpful
  5. Just check the reading.Now is 8
  6. Bro, Just PM you with some questions. I seldom online. Please sms me Cheers
  7. Lookiing for overflow box for my tank with bracing. Between box must be a gap of at least 8 cm If you selling please sms me at 90670590 Happy Reefing
  8. Cleanup the bottle and nettings. Wrap the 2 nettings back to the bottle base and refill with new resin. Fix the bottle of new resin to the small water pump and start the water cleaning again. Let see what happen tomorrow morning
  9. This morning wake up.Measure the TDS and find it drop to 58. But today evening drop to 48 Remove the bottle and pour out the exhaust DI resin.
  10. Wrap the 2 nettings round the bottle base and fill the bottle with the DI resin. Then connect this bottle of DI resin to a small water pump. Start the pump and let it run while I retire to bed.
  11. Another photo of the nettings use
  12. Drill a few holes on the base of the drinking bottle for water to exit
  13. Use a drinking bottle ,2 netting and a small resun pump
  14. As promise photo to show what I use and do since last night I got this DI resin last nite after find my tank water TDS read 78
  15. Nice to hear that. Power form but very easy to use. Thanks for the feedback James
  16. Bro, If you ahve lobang get for me also. I will collect from you
  17. Take a reading and find TDS drop to 59 after running DI resin over the night. Will post photo tonite and change the exhaust DI resin tonite. Now have to go to work
  18. Tonite take the TDS reading of the cycling water. The reading go up to 78. So get some DI resin from a freindly reefer and let the water cycle with a small pump with resin. Will post picture tomorrow nite
  19. Single controller sold. Thread closed
  20. Left the tank to cycle and monitor hourly for any problem. Monitor start at 1200 noon,7th Nov,2011
  21. Turn the return pump back to full power. Main tank water level maintain. No overflowing. Sump water level maintain. Overflow and return pump work hand in hand. Balance at both main tank and sump. Test 3: Overflow system can cope with the Atman return pump flow rate.
  22. On back the return pump. Water in the main tank start to build up. Then overflow into the skimmer outlet. Test 2 : Siphon never break after power off.
  23. Today morning continue to debug the slow overflow issue. Finally decide to add a air discharge point at the top U of the overflow. Suspect the slow flow is due to air trap in the overflow highest point. Get a one way air valve. Drill a hole at the top U . Cement it in place. Setback the overflow pipe in the tank again.Top up water in the pipe after shut off the ball valve at the discharge point. Connect an short length of air tube to the one way valve. Suck out the air slowly till water start to flow out of the one way air valve. Close the one way valve. Open the ball valve at the discharge point. And you hear water start to flow out into the sump.Shut the top up point . All this while the return pump is on. After a while off the pump. Water overflow into the sump till the water level in the main tank fall below the skimmer inlet. First test. Water will not flood the sump.
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