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Everything posted by sherman

  1. I am looking for controllable Tunze wavemaker 6055 or 6085 Must be in working condition. sms me at 90670590 if you are selling (Age and your selling price) Happy Reefing
  2. Depend on your usage ,lens and reflectors is not always require. You use lens only when you need to penetrate more then 15 inches of height. Wrong use of lens can result in light falling on the wrong place.
  3. Where are you locate? Reefers in the west is waiting
  4. From your photo the light should be enough to keep LPS AND ZOOS.(Unless you PP your photo) Unless you are planning to go SPS save your money for other items you might need
  5. Bro, Can share what kind of response and reaction after using Fauna Marin Ultra Amin....
  6. What is your tank size and what you going to keep?
  7. Better sell away the live stocks and cycle your tank
  8. Interesting. ML carry this product or not?
  9. If you start using the reactor after your algae growth. Its good you manually clean off the algae and do water change for a few round. Otherwise it is going to take a long time to clear all the growth algae
  10. Urchin is a good algae controller. You can try.
  11. Interesting. Have being trying to net my hogfish for some time without much success
  12. Upzz for you. The SPS look more fanastic then the photo Must get
  13. Forget about hermit they will knock down your corals unless you glue them securely on your live rock
  14. Hi SM, I get this red algae on my ATS instead of green. Why?
  15. No more update. So now more far for me to go your place?
  16. I have being using it. Not problem so far
  17. Its in the tank for about a week. That morning before I go to work(0700 am) its still ok. That nite I return home it become white.(1930) So actual time it become total white I do not know. Its about 5 weeks about the fraq bleach. All others around it still ok. Last nite measure all the parameter .All ok and stable. Really cannot figure out what happen
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