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Everything posted by sherman

  1. Thank You for sharing. Did you do it in the tank or you remove the rock to spray the Joe Juice
  2. Hi sis, The above 2 picture under different light right? If it is what light is for the left photo? What light is for the right photo? Thanks
  3. Bro, Update your result. I try both BBS and trigger pod. So far no good result Hope you succeed
  4. I think most of the time is mix tank.
  5. Hi Bro sunny03. How is everything? Too fast change in kh always bring diaster
  6. How is the result compare with competitor of same spec?
  7. The PH is back to 8 again after daily dose of kalkasser for one month
  8. You should use a combination of 45, 60 and 90 degree lens to cover different height of your tank. Using only 90 degree can result is a lot of spotlighting effect
  9. Bro, Let me check what I have. Let you know soon
  10. Bro, Why you using 120 degree lens? The leds light spread is 120 Degree by itself
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