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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by sherman

  1. AM and 328 use to have the spare for the aquabee pump. You can try to contact them
  2. Good news from Bro Gemsurfs
  3. Bro, If you buy ,collect for me also Thanks
  4. Provide you run each LED at one ampere. Otherwise you will not be getting 5 w of light from each 5 w led. To run each LED at 1 amp you need a very efficient heat dissipation heat sink otherwise the heat will shorten your LED life badly.
  5. You use to supply in the west. Now no more ?
  6. Wow this very nice SPS tank. When open house?
  7. So sad. Find him another partner soon?
  8. Anyone know where in Singapore is selling Fauna Marin Salt
  9. Any one know the price? Can PM me Thanks
  10. Oop I do not have skimmer. I using Algae scrubber, Bio pellet and Rowa. I dose 6 ml of MB7 daily and 5 ml volka weekly. Water change 5 % every 2 weeks No red slime but a bit of hair algae
  11. You can get at Sim Lim Tower or any PC shop .This is American plug
  12. Where you get it? Please share
  13. You need at least 3 w type LED. Totally LED output must be at least 110 watt per 2 ft length. Ant thing less serve not much purpose for reef keeping
  14. What wavemaker you using?(Yellow color)
  15. Have you manage to contact them?
  16. He must be angry when you watch the show
  17. Change from nice purple to brown. Why? Any change in light, flow or NO3?
  18. You can modify to be use as Algae scrubber. In the west you can visit ML in Clementi
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