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Everything posted by sherman

  1. How depth is your tank? 2 razors should be able to cover a 4 footer without problem.
  2. No update FTS of your tank. How is the monti performing?
  3. I only feed once a day after my dinner. I just drip trigger feast by drop and watch them go crazy and finish before I drip another drop. Stop when they stop chasing the food
  4. Try to change about 50% for 2 to 3 rounds and run biopellet or/and biosphere . NO3 very hard to bring down once it buildup. Have patience
  5. Just make sure you check you PO4 and NO3 weekly and do WC
  6. Found this magnet in my store
  7. Depending on what you are photgraphing. You can take very nice picture with normal lens also. I am using the kit lens 18-55 for most of my tank shot. I will only use my 180 macro when I need to shot marco
  8. Try to watch out for your KH. Don't let it go up some more. MG is way too low. Pump it up to around 1350 PH also low. Do a 30% water change to bring now your N03
  9. Increase your light weekly by 10 - 15 % should be ok. Your KH is very low. Bring it up slowly
  10. At this point just test your Amonia till it drop to zero. Then you test your NO2 till it drop to zero. Lastly test your NO3 till almost zero
  11. Depend how far your light is from the water surface and what lens you using. if your light height is about 12 inch from the water surface it is good to start around 40% for white and 50% for blue. Then you observe for a week and adjust up slowly by 5 to 10% if no breeching.
  12. Salinity: 1.024 Ammonia: 0.5 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: 10 ppm Ph: 8.8 Alkalinity: 13.4 dKH Phospate: 0 ppm Your Ammonia must be 0.
  13. Like to know if we purchase livestock from online store oversea do we need a permit before they can ship to Singapore?
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