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Everything posted by sherman

  1. Anyone know where I can get wooden block for aeration? Please sms or whapps me at 90670590
  2. Anyone has pulsing xenia. blue and white for sale Please sms 90670590
  3. Wow bro you do your own controller. Interesting.
  4. So I put in all the anthias first before I put in the Tangs
  5. If have a working unit for sale sms me at 90670590. Prefer in the west
  6. Should I put in the anthias first or Tangs? And the Tangs which one should go in first? Blue,Yellow ,Purple? Thanks
  7. Underwater mode meaning the camera can go into the tank or what? Thanks
  8. Hi Bro oceanviper, care to share which led light dimmer controller you have order and from where I also intent to add a programmable dimmer controller for my 2 set of LED light
  9. Today take measurement again. All parameter remain. Only MG drop to 1020. NO3:0,PO4:0.3.PO4 is high. Should I run phos reactor or let ATS run for a week and see if PO4 go down
  10. Transfer my ATS from my old tank set today.
  11. Really. I never notice before. You mean near the beach or have to go out to the sea
  12. Any one know where I can get live amphipods?
  13. 1264 should be good. I using also. Tesino I using also. But have one bad experience last year. Pump suddenly cannot work. No replacement part
  14. Also add in one urchin, and 2 turbo. Sent from my LG-D958 using Tapatalk
  15. And after that some mangrove Sent from my LG-D958 using Tapatalk
  16. Today add some live sand Sent from my LG-D958 using Tapatalk
  17. Nice. Upzzz Sent from my LG-D958 using Tapatalk
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