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Everything posted by sherman

  1. Oop. They are so nice. I luv them. Hope mine don't nip on my sps and acans
  2. I like the scape. How you do it?
  3. Very nice color. When fraqing?
  4. Can share how high is your light from the water top
  5. Any bro in the west have extra PO4 reagent for sale . Whapps me at 90670590
  6. Any bro in the west selling? Please whapps me at 90670590
  7. Also notice these grow in the sump. Is this dino?
  8. Rowa Phos: Tonite add in the rowa phos . Hope to bring down the PO4 reading from .3 to .03
  9. Anyone know where I can get wooden block for aeration? Please sms or whapps me at 90670590
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