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Everything posted by sherman

  1. All LED used is 3 watt per piece. As per my observation when u first time introduce ATS into the tank it takes longer then normal for the first harvest. Subsequent the harvest cycle is usually shorter. This is my experience. Others may be different
  2. Items left: 1. 2.5 ft by 2 ft by 2 ft , 10mm thick main tank with top and bottom braces all round: $80 Free sump tank(Acrylic) 2. One Tunze nano wavebox with 6091 controller. Only master working:$150 3. 2 TLF FR :$40 (1 sold, ) 4. One Hailea Chiller ,150 :$120 sold 5. One Baby fish doser:$80 6. One Beam LED set:$10 7. 3 eheim compact 1000: $20 each( 2 sold) 8. I Deltec return pump $50 9. I 4 inch filter bag holder with 2 used polyester and 1 nylon filter bags $8 10 1 4 inch filter bag holder with 1 new nylon filter bag $12 Others items I update as I decomm
  3. Today holiday. Spend sometime maintain my LED light set. Wow a thick layer of dust. Clear the dust and check the LED. 5 of 66 leds burnt out. Temporaily bypass the burnt leds and the set still working.
  4. Both set install 6 weeks ago. Yesterday first harvest1st set with. Red leds
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