Items left:
1. 2.5 ft by 2 ft by 2 ft , 10mm thick main tank with top and bottom braces all round: $80 .Need to clear
fast. If you can collect by tomorrow noon it is FREE.Only tank .(Whapps or sms me at 90670590)
Sump reserved by xxxx3881Tank reserved by xxxx3277 Finally taken
2. One Tunze nano wavebox with 6091 controller. Only master working:$150
3. 2 TLF FR :$40 (1 sold )
4. One Hailea Chiller ,150 :$120 ( sold )
5. One Baby fish doser:$80 (c/w 3 pumps )reserve by xxxx7097
6. One Beam LED set:$10 (Sold)
7. 3 eheim compact 1000: $20 each( 3 sold)
8. I Deltec return pump $50
9. One 4 inch filter bag holder(BM) with 2 used polyester and 1 nylon filter bags $8
10 One 4 inch filter bag holder (BM,Brand new, still in box)with 1 new nylon filter bag $12
Others items I update as I decomm