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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by sherman

  1. Sure bro domvonn. Just give me a sms to make sure in at home Happy Reefing
  2. I have use both Deltec and BM .Both equally good. The only different is how the piece is manufacture
  3. The chaeto is not growing in my refugium with my one T5 tube. So move one of my ATS light over the refugium and let see if the chaeto start growing.
  4. Any one seen this locally.
  5. Suddenly something cross my brain. Can we use our handphone as webcam. Most of us have old handphone lying around after each recon
  6. I using industrial food grade with dosing pump. So far no problem
  7. Now comex on. Must go shop for HD web cam. See if have offer. T
  8. I know nuts about web cam. Is it have to conne t to PC or laptop or can work by itself
  9. Wow nice. When you fraq I want one piece.This is my last add
  10. For moonlight you can get the strip LED from Sim Lim Tower.
  11. Very bad traffic jam on PIE towards Kallang. Avoid PIE from Steven Road toward Kallang

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