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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by sherman

  1. All high power LED will give you the shimmering effect. Any LED that is 3 watt and above and running at more then 0.5 ampere is high power LED. No LED by its own can penetrate water depth. All LED with the correct Lens Angle can penetrate at different depth or disperse light up to 180 degree Multi Chip LED module are make up of many high power led emitters either in one color as single spectrum led or multi color for full spectrum
  2. If RWS has a Wish List I will wish they have one in their display. At least have a chance to see
  3. No many can afford. RWS has or not?
  4. Look like many end up in US. Thailand also has. But local any so far?
  5. Get some reefer live near you to verify. Where you stay?
  6. Can only admire on photo . 6 digit I don't know how many can afford
  7. The Orange or the gold one is 6 digits
  8. Any bro using this MP 40 on a footer? What mode you use.
  9. Add a new wave maker this week. Get a 2nd hand vortek MP40 .
  10. Anyone seen the orange with white stripe locally
  11. Thk u sis. I was checking if we can just order online. There are so many online
  12. Can organise small group outing over long weekend
  13. sherman

    MP 40

    Anyone use the MP40w before and upgrade to MP40WES now? Look like the different is the controller. The new controller has more mode available. Any users like to share
  14. This hairy can grow very fast. Better remove it
  15. They are real hungry. Mine take pellet, prawn ,seaweed and nip among the rock
  16. sherman

    MP 40

    Thk bro Admiraltian. Will consider
  17. sherman

    MP 40

    Anyone using MP40 on their 5 footer. If use with Tunze 6095 and 6055 and hydor 4 is it enough? Please share your view?
  18. GO use to have a lot. Recently LCK also has
  19. Hi Bro ReDDeviLs, I mean order on the website. There are many website on internet and Facebook selling all kind of livestocks like fish,corals ,etc. Very tempt to place order
  20. Any bro had buy livestock from oversea before? Need any permit from AVA or can just buy like we buy equipment and acessories? Thank You
  21. Wow start collecting fishes, sis?
  22. When your purple monti grow I like to have a fraq, bro Ashwin
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