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Everything posted by sherman

  1. For sale at $40 Please PM whapps me if interested... Collection at Pending Rd.Blk.228.S670228Interested whapp me at 90670590
  2. Collection at Pending Rd.Blk.228.S670228Interested whapp me at 90670590
  3. Collection at Pending Rd.Blk.228.S670228Interested whapp me at 90670590
  4. Did you check the water you use for wc? Is your tdo meter reading zero? If you use tap water or even rodi water when tdo reading is more then 10 then you will have this type of problem Cleaning crew or phos removal and nitrate removal all these are supporting water to have clean pristine water. It is still better to trackle your water source. Ensure you are using tdo zero rodi or di water.
  5. 1 25 L jerry can :$10 Collection at Blk.228, Pending Road. S670228 Interested whapps at 90670590
  6. Wow where u stay? If stay west can give me
  7. Where you get all these algae? What you do with those you trim? Thank You
  8. I believe this is in the wrong place. Should be in Pasar Malam
  9. This piece suppose to be throwaway.But due to busy schedule I have not throw away but left it on the tank floor for 2 weeks.Today while clearing the tank saw blue polyp . So decide to keep it .
  10. Yes. Agree with he. A SMS notification for power failure is a must. And arrange with neighbour or reefers to help you in case of power failure
  11. If you have the best light system and nutrient export system but you try to use any cheap salt I think soon all the problem will come out.
  12. Algae is because you use tap water. Go NTUC and get their drinking water. Its DI water For nano getting NTUC water is more cost effective Beam light is too weak for any lps . Try at least 1 or 2 PAR 38.
  13. TDS is critical when you do water change Try do water change with TDS above 5 for a long period like 6 months and your tank will become planted tank
  14. The blue one is just the salt. Then one month later I start NP Pro and Bio Pro S. Because my AIO no more stock
  15. Must try their probio salt. I start with their probio salt after I exhaust my Red Sea Pro. 3 days after I change to AF salt I have a shock. This piece was brown (In my tank for at least 6 months) then it start to show blue.
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