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Everything posted by sherman

  1. Oop sori for the wrong ID.Learn another id
  2. Nice .What is that beside the red monti
  3. Bro, Where you get the skimmer and how much?
  4. Prefer to exchange for fraq
  5. So no need manual setting. Something new for me to learn
  6. Yes.It is luminuous under nite light.
  7. Add this lobo last week and it is doing well
  8. This fraq show its purple after 4 months
  9. This zoo was add 3 weeks ago.Its healthy and opening up nicely
  10. This fraq was add last month.Please help to id
  11. And this fraq color up after 5 months bathing under led light
  12. This fraq has color up well under led light.What is the id??
  13. And this fraq of neon green monti has grow over the month
  14. This xenia is one of the fraq after I break up the rock. It adapt well
  15. So you finally settle at what setting for your G9?
  16. And last this galaxy Around 7 inch
  17. This is a big leather(Around 8 inch)
  18. Small leather About 3 to 4 inch size
  19. Priority given to student. Are you a student? If yes you can come and collect from my place Cheers
  20. Push up your MG to 1380 and above KH should be around 9 to 12 CA seems ok. Those buffer can help a little but not much use.Can forget about Buffer
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