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Everything posted by sherman

  1. This forest fire is doing ok in the 2.5 ft tank
  2. Will monitor for another 2 weeks and see if the PH still hold
  3. 21st Jul I connected my calcium reactor recirculating pump purge line back to the Calcium reactor infeed line by a T joint. My idea is to recirculate the unused CO2 that usually will accumulate at the top of the calcium reactor main chamber and eventually would purge back into the main system. Resulting in lower display PH value. After 2 days of observation by a PH monitor my Caperplus show the display PH moving higher.
  4. Today measure both 5.5 ft and 2.5 ft(new)tanks nutrient level5.5 ftPO4 : 0.009NO3 : 152.5 ft(new)PO4: 0.16NO3: 5
  5. What water you using for your water change? RODI? Why still have nitrite?
  6. Oop now running manual. Not setup at ecosmartlive yet. Mode is white surround by blue. Intensity 75%
  7. My bought 2nd hand. With me about a year. Don't know what happen. Ecosmart live ok last nite
  8. Bad day ,17/7/2018. 2 of the light cannot work. (5.5 ft) Need to get replacement light temporarily. Will send in the light for repair this weekend
  9. All phos remover do not need reactor. Just bag it and put in high flow area. Exhausted just throw This is lazy man reefing
  10. Hi Jeebusai, Phos minus look like Rowa phos. Only it is cheaper and cleaner. Chemi pure is liquid chemical?
  11. PO4 update for both tank.5.5 ft : 0.006 ppm2.5 ft : Still 0.24 ppm
  12. Parameter today for 2.5 ft tankSG 36KH 7.9CA 455MG 1455PO4 0.24NO3 5
  13. Tonite , 8/6/18 carried out another PO4 test.PO4 drop to 77 ppb or 0.24 ppm
  14. Hi JMW thank you for visiting my thread. I not sure what is this
  15. Got this red algae from a reefer last nite. Thick sheet of red algae. I don't the id. Just add to my fudge. Hope it grow Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk
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