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Everything posted by sherman

  1. All fabricate locally. But you need MOQ for metal core PCB
  2. Want to know what led Cree produce goto this link http://www.cree.com/
  3. Lens of different angle will help to focus the led light beam from 120 Degree spread to the angle of the lens use. The smaller the angle the deeper the light beam will penetrate but at the same time the area of coverage also become smaller.
  4. No led to date can pentrate more then 20 cm through liquid without lost of more then 70% of its actual output
  5. Please take note that those led rated at higher wattage then 10 watt have lower light output and higher lost then an array of a few led that add up to the wattage.
  6. The question is what difference does it makes for an 80W LED lights compare to 80W T5 lights in terms of current usage? To run 80 w T5 tube you need at least an 80 w input of electricity(Assuming your eballast is 100% efficiency) To get a light intensities of a 80 w T5 tube you need around 35 to 50 watt of total led array.(Depend on the type led you choose and the led output) Will I be paying the same amt of bills? So your bill can varies depend on your led type .But it should be less then what you pay when using T5 tube
  7. The FTS of my 5 footer after one year plus under LED lighting
  8. Is yours a out door type or the indoor type? The outdoor type is more noisy
  9. Welcome .Everything seems ok. Make sure you do regular parameter check if you decide to go reefing
  10. I do not think Cree produce the 30 watt led
  11. Bro, Nice DIY. Thank You for helping to reduce the carbon footprint
  12. Well say.Most DIYers forget this very important step and the leds corroded in 3 to 6 months time.
  13. I don't advise you to use bio rings,they can become nitrate factory in the long run. Try to use biohome
  14. Bro, Nice but a picture under daylight may be more able to out the actual color as describe.
  15. More update.Definitely it is going to look more professional
  16. If you can remove the rock with the red slime ,remove it and use a brush to brush out the red slime. If not run phos remover with a FR at slow rate and it should disappear in 3 days. Have you check your water for PO4? It must be zero Cheers
  17. This birdnest is turning pink
  18. Another zoo that had being doing well since introduce last August
  19. This zoo is doing good under 150 WATT led at mid tank
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