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Everything posted by sherman

  1. Add this new fraq.But find the part where my figure hold it and press it to the rock during eproxy become white off. Don't know if it will recover over time
  2. Thank You bro cedricang for the IDs. Now I know why my 2 pink birdnest died off last 2 weeks
  3. Hi Bro LemonLemon, I see they are not SPS. What are the 2 IDs? Learn something today Thank You
  4. Thank Bro wilsontantw. The other parameters are PH:8.1 - 8.2 SG: 1.021 -1.022 KH: 9.6 - 10.6 CA: 360-440 MG: 1360 - 1440 PO:< .03 NO3:10
  5. The blue is showing but not intense and almost no growth
  6. Another Fraq that grow slowly under LED The Green is not as intense as it should be
  7. Don't know what this but it start to color up under LED slowly Please help to ID
  8. This Monti grow under led from a inch fraq
  9. Top up the tank with water from my 5 footer and start cycling before put on the modified LED light cover
  10. The control box and the canopy with the LED array
  11. Another picture of the wireup
  12. Wireup the led array to the Constant current driver
  13. Cover up the light compartment with the original clear acrlyic cover
  14. The link below show you step by step the modification of the original PL lite on the Odyssea Cube 7 top cover to LED.
  15. Add a small 1/4 watt Royal Blue LED strip for nite light
  16. Hold all the PCB neatly in the box with Hot glue
  17. House the Constant Current driver in a Black PVC electronic box
  18. Yesterday continue on the LED light modification . This is the PWM and constant current driver I build for the LED.
  19. A good skimmer and a set of good test kit is very important. Don't save on these
  20. In the long run and taking into account the daily running and occasion maintenace cost it is still cheaper to go LED. The initial is higher but offset in 1 to 2 years time
  21. Since you are using SE(Single Ended) MH you just need the bulb. So your investment is 4 or 5 bulbs with the lens of your choice Sherman
  22. Nice.The one on the right is blue Xenia? New addition?
  23. Once all the metal core are tape with 3M thermal tape they can be mounted on the aluminium plate or heat sink
  24. Another metal core after tape with 3M thermal tape
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