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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by sherman

  1. Thank You for sharing your receipt.
  2. One nice bro help me buy when he go shopping his items. Mod please help to close
  3. Wow, a lot of color improvement and growth since Feb 2012. How you do it bro? Happy Reefing
  4. Looking from the casing side
  5. The completed plate mounted the casing
  6. Final touchup before mountng the LED
  7. Equipments for both not much difference except the size use. Finally cut the aluminium plate to the require size.
  8. Suppose to start the work yesterday but go for PC show instead. Hope today can get part of the project done Update later tonite
  9. And this drill set and some other handtools
  10. Thank You Mad Scientist.Borrow these tool for to kick start the new LED projec for ATS. The Jig Saw Set
  11. Good if they have KH,CA,MG,NO3 and PO4
  12. Ya, have to check and measure at least once a month and add only what is consume. Overdose for some chemical is disaster
  13. Remove all the red slime as much as you can. Run rowa till PO4 drop to zero . Top up or amke salt water with DI water only
  14. So is anyone organising a bulk order ? Thanks
  15. Bro, I already have a DI unit. Just looking for DI resin for replacement. Thank You Happy Reefing Sherman
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