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  1. Sorry for my bad english earlier. I was in marine parade Sam Yick aquarium and saw those mini marine tank for sale. I was using my iphone to pop this question here while waiting for my wife and did not realise posting a question in forum using Iphone is so difficult. I not going into marine tank as I know is going to spend tons of time. I know myself will not keep that passion on marine tank. When I ask them on maintainance, they simply just say change water and apply chemical A + chemical B and makes it sound so easy. They just answer me as long as I am hardworking when I ask them how long these mini tank last. If is that simple then why would anyone invent expensive equipment as big as a marine tank to simulate the sea environment. I am a diver, I love to see marine life in ocean. Is nice to see marine tank but is sad to see LFS treating marine life as dirt. Thanks for all forumer's input.
  2. I know nothing on marine. Been wondering. I those min marine tank sold in LFS where the tank do no need any special equipment to monitor. How long will those min tank last?
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