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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Lemon's harlequins are behind, bought them over from CF too. Too huge to resist.
  2. Good news, it is feeding. Bad news, it just ate one of my smaller sized peppermint shrimps. I only saw peppermint antennas out from its mouth. Looks like I have to take out all the smaller shrimps! Expensive meal...
  3. CF no more ghost pipefish... It released some larvae while in the bag. Have observed it stalking my mysids but didnt notice any real strike yet. Hopefully it starts feeding tomorrow.
  4. Only 1 pc was new (the ultra skittish one), the rest old ones..
  5. Flood a dedicated tank linked to your main system with bbs daily, innoculate with a mysid culture. Once you have a stable pop you can keep the ghost pipefish, even mandarins will not be a problem.
  6. CF has ghost pipefish?!?!.... Everytime not fated, I was just down there yesterday! Must make another trip down.
  7. Chrysogasters are in a 3 gallon tank. If they are still stable in another week I will transfer them to bigger quarters. I don't have leucokranos to take pics of, too expensive for me. In U.S they cost way cheaper.
  8. Amphiprion chrysopterus, special thanks to Coral Farm.
  9. Amphiprion chrysogaster, special thanks to Henry.
  10. In Singapore, black ocellaris first retailed for about 1840-2300 baht each. Now they are usually around 920 baht each. I believe there are some farms in Thailand breeding clownfish. Do a google search on Nemofarm, in Chonburi.
  11. Agreed. Furthermore they need requirements like catalina goby. http://www.worldofseahorses.com/dwarf%20basics.htm Temperature not exceeding 78 Farenheit..
  12. This one need to hatch bbs every day to feed one.
  13. Pmed you on the clownfish. If they are unique I would'nt mind the price.
  14. How big you need them to be? I have babies now.
  15. What is your temperature and salinity level? Most reefers do not see a point in acclimatizing corals. I feel acclimatization is as important in corals as compared to fish, corals are invertebrates and they would be more sensitive to fishes in sudden changes in parameters.
  16. Thanks for the support. For those whom I have yet to contact, I will contact you once fishes are available again (about 1-2 months time), or if anyone backs out.
  17. Due to overwhelming response, I apologise that I am unable to accept any more orders. I will have another batch ready in 1-2 months time though, this time should have enough for everyone.
  18. Amphiprion bicinctus from the red sea. Pinnacle marine brought in a few of these during the red sea shipment. The head of bicinctus is different from that of chrysopterus.
  19. You need a chiller for Latz and Mccs, no chiller very risky.
  20. I have a few fish at 1cm, second stripe starting to show. $9 each.
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